

Totally Tasty Tuesdays

We finally have snow! I don't totally mind that its after Christmas, just that we have it. Otherwise there's gonna be a world of hurt come spring for that stuff we buy that comes from farms...what's the word...FOOD. Not everyone can water their crops (rules and stuff or no irrigation options) so that means less food that can grow. True story. So no complaining out there about the snow. Just stay home or drive super safe even if it means leaving earlier than usual so you don't have to cuss on the drive about how you're gonna be late. Got it?
Onto the fun part!

from Fantastical Sharing of Recipes

Well obvioiusly this looks delicious. Bacon? Jalepenos? Cheese?
Psh. Like it's even gonna taste anything but delicious!

from Something Swanky

Well. Yeah. That's what should have been happening all along.

from What's Cooking, Love?

The picture says it all.


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