

Totally Tasty Tuesdays

I'm back! I had a wonderful vacation over Christmas with my family. We took the kids to Disneyland, Universal Studios, San Diego Zoo and SeaWorld. We loved it and I completely miss the warm weather. I told Lance that if he dies first,  I am relocating to the warmer climate for winters. So legit. I missed the blogging world, as I don't have internet on my phone (gasp!) so I was out of the loop for about 2 weeks. It was so nice to just focus on my family and enjoy ourselves. 

Last time on TTT, there were some mighty tasty looking recipes shared. I know lots of people are trying to eat healthier for their new year's resolutions, but my motto here on Mandy's Recipe Box is "a balanced diet is a dessert in each hand." Truly. So you'll have to look elsewhere for those light recipes. I, personally, will be getting back on track with Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and going lighter on my portions, but I'm still gonna enjoy my food! 

Here are the 3 recipes that I'm featuring today...

from Creative Kitchen

The picture says it all.

from Gluten Free Pantry

I've recently discovered my love for squash, so this looks mighty fine!

from Meg's Everyday Indulgences

Never heard of it! Now I want to go make some of this and Vanilla Sugar.


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