

Jimmy Dean Delights

This post brought to you by Jimmy Dean Delights. All opinions are 100% mine.

Lots of people have a breakfast routine. Whether it means cooking for their family, eating a quick bowl of cereal, or grabbing a bagel to take out the door before work/school, we generally stick to the same routines. Mine often varies, having a baby who calls the shots. Some mornings I can make breakfast for the family. Others it's every man for himself while I take care of a gotta-eat-this-instant and then I-need-a-bath-because-I-just-blew-out-my-diaper baby. With summer on the way and kids being home from school and family vacations, it's just going to get busier.

That's where the new Jimmy Dean Delights come in. I can eat a quick low calorie breakfast sandwich instead of the cookies from last night because that's all I had a chance to grab. And I know my husband and kids would prefer it to a bowl of cold cereal.

The new Canadian Bacon, Egg White and Cheese is only 210 calories! You can't beat that! It's on a honey wheat Englsh Muffin. Want to try one before you buy it? Head to Sam's Club June 15th and July 1st to sample the Canadian Bacon Sandwich. Then buy a box to bring home to your family! They'll love you for it.

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