

Potato Round-Up

In case you haven't heard, I live in the Middle of Nowhere, Idaho, USA. No joke. I came from a biggish city of Ogden, Utah and married a farmer. Should have seen it comin', but we moved to our current location 3 years after we were married. So there I was, city girl to the max (although I did enjoy camping and so forth) out in the boonies with a 9 month old baby girl and a farmer husband that I didn't see from 7 or 8 in the morning until 10 or so at night. His parents were a few miles up the road, but other than that, I didn't really know anyone. My view was crops, sagebrush, fields, and hills. Not the rocky mountains I new and loved. 

Our first fight came when I wanted some ice cream and drove into the nearest town (30 miles) to buy some. Ha. Now, I think back and say "What was I thinking?" But I was new to this life. Give me a break! Now I plan out my shopping for the month and only go "into town" when I need milk and other perishables. About once every week or week and a half.

I love my life here and now. Totally converted to country girl. I still have some city in me like I hate hunting and the whole hunting season. It's coming soon. I always tell Lance that he needs to let me go but he won't let me. Because he knows I'll do my best to scare all the deer away.
Run Bambi!

Why my life story?

Because in the midst of the middle of nowhere-ness is potato-land. I have worked the potato harvest before and then took a break to have Miss Emma. She's been too little to have her go with her dad to work so I've stayed home. It's funny because the potato boss jokingly gets mad at all us "child bearing women" as he calls us. He can't wait until we are at the age when we have older children to leave at home so he can have help. 

I am going back this week. Actually as you are reading this, I am at work. On the big truck, driving along side the harvester, getting loaded up in the field. It's my first time on the truck. Normally I worked on the line, grabbing yucky spuds out and bagging up others to sell. This year, I'm being brave. My sister-in-law is splitting the shift with me because otherwise we couldn't do it as they go from 8 am to done which is anywhere from 10pm to 1 am. With my kids and her little boy, it's not possible. So she's watching Emma in the day while my kids are at school and I drive. Then she trades me out while I watch her son and she drives the night shift. 

So since I'll have potatoes coming out my ears, I'm sharing some potato recipes with you.

See? I got to the point.

These are just some of my favorite ways to use potatoes. I hope you try them!

Enjoy your freedom these next few weeks. I'm jealous. But I'm earning money for a good cause: The hubs and I are surprising our kids with a trip to Disneyland, Universal Studios, Sea World, and SD Zoo! So mum's the word if you see my kids...


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