

Potato Round-Up

In case you haven't heard, I live in the Middle of Nowhere, Idaho, USA. No joke. I came from a biggish city of Ogden, Utah and married a farmer. Should have seen it comin', but we moved to our current location 3 years after we were married. So there I was, city girl to the max (although I did enjoy camping and so forth) out in the boonies with a 9 month old baby girl and a farmer husband that I didn't see from 7 or 8 in the morning until 10 or so at night. His parents were a few miles up the road, but other than that, I didn't really know anyone. My view was crops, sagebrush, fields, and hills. Not the rocky mountains I new and loved. 

Our first fight came when I wanted some ice cream and drove into the nearest town (30 miles) to buy some. Ha. Now, I think back and say "What was I thinking?" But I was new to this life. Give me a break! Now I plan out my shopping for the month and only go "into town" when I need milk and other perishables. About once every week or week and a half.

I love my life here and now. Totally converted to country girl. I still have some city in me like I hate hunting and the whole hunting season. It's coming soon. I always tell Lance that he needs to let me go but he won't let me. Because he knows I'll do my best to scare all the deer away.
Run Bambi!

Why my life story?

Because in the midst of the middle of nowhere-ness is potato-land. I have worked the potato harvest before and then took a break to have Miss Emma. She's been too little to have her go with her dad to work so I've stayed home. It's funny because the potato boss jokingly gets mad at all us "child bearing women" as he calls us. He can't wait until we are at the age when we have older children to leave at home so he can have help. 

I am going back this week. Actually as you are reading this, I am at work. On the big truck, driving along side the harvester, getting loaded up in the field. It's my first time on the truck. Normally I worked on the line, grabbing yucky spuds out and bagging up others to sell. This year, I'm being brave. My sister-in-law is splitting the shift with me because otherwise we couldn't do it as they go from 8 am to done which is anywhere from 10pm to 1 am. With my kids and her little boy, it's not possible. So she's watching Emma in the day while my kids are at school and I drive. Then she trades me out while I watch her son and she drives the night shift. 

So since I'll have potatoes coming out my ears, I'm sharing some potato recipes with you.

See? I got to the point.

These are just some of my favorite ways to use potatoes. I hope you try them!

Enjoy your freedom these next few weeks. I'm jealous. But I'm earning money for a good cause: The hubs and I are surprising our kids with a trip to Disneyland, Universal Studios, Sea World, and SD Zoo! So mum's the word if you see my kids...

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Totally Tasty Tuesdays

I am featuring some fall recipes today, since it's Autumn time. Yay for fall! I am busy working the potato harvest (more on that to come) so I know the cooler weather is just around the corner. 

from Finding Joy in My Kitchen
She even has more Pumpkin recipes when you click on the link above. Yum!

from The REAL Housewives of Riverton

So Pumpkin + easy= Delicious.

from Meg's Everyday Indulgence

It isn't fall without football, according to some folks. To me, it isn't fall without T.V. Season Premiers like Criminal Minds or The New Girl (one of my new faves!). These brownie bites would be perfect for either.


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Philly Cheese Steak Egg Rolls

I like deep frying food. It's fun. It's also fun to see what kinds of different foods you can make. Like Taco Won Tons or Won Ton Kisses, which you must try. Immediately. I also love egg rolls. If you don't, just give these a try. They are not your typical Chinese Egg Rolls.
They are Philly Cheesesteak Rolls.
They're amazing.

1 Tbsp. oil
1 onion, chopped
1 (12.5 ounce) package frozen sandwich steak meat
1 (14 ounce) package egg roll wrappers
Slices of Provolone or other cheese
2 cups oil for frying, or as needed

  • Heat skillet with the tablespoon of oil over medium heat. Add onion; cook and stir until onion is translucent, about 5 minutes. Add frozen steak into skillet. I found these at Walmart in the frozen bins at the end of the main isles. Perfect for this dish.

  • Cook and stir until steak is no longer pink, breaking it up with a spatula as it softens, about 10 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside. 
  • Arrange egg roll wrappers on a flat surface so it looks like a diamond; place a slice of cheese on each one, towards the bottom. Layer an equal amount of steak mixture on top of each cheese slice. Roll up egg rolls according to package directions, and seal edges, wetting with water if necessary.
  • I didn't take a picture of this step so if you still are confused, here's one from yahoo images. Start at the bottom, then the sides, then roll the rest of the way.

Fry in oil in a skillet on all sides until golden brown. Drain on paper towels.

Makes about 12 egg rolls.

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Perdue Chicken Giveaway

The 2 winners are Lesa and Rhonda! Congrats gals!
I have a fun giveaway for you today. How does free chicken sound?

For more than 90 years Perdue has been committed to providing Americans and their families with the best possible poultry. The “We Believe in a Better Chicken”TM  campaign is at the core of who they are, what they do and what they’ve been doing since 1920.  They are committed to making better chicken and they know that consumers are committed to providing the very best meal for their families every day. Which is why they have decided to celebrate those meals through their search to find the best chicken dishes from Americans across the country.

Perdue is having a contest on their Facebook Page. All you need to do is go there and upload a picture of your best chicken dish and tell them what it is and what you do to make it the best (no recipes, please). Each week one lucky participant will win PERDUE® chicken and one grand prize winner will receive a year supply of PERDUE® chicken! Contest ends 9/30/2011. No Purchase Necessary. *Also please do not to use any logos, brands, or products (other than Perdue) in your entry, or it will be disqualified.

I have 2 vouchers provided by Perdue for free chicken.

All you need to do is go enter the contest and leave me a comment telling me what chicken dish you chose to enter. I will choose 2 winners to receive a voucher each. Giveway ends 9/30 just like the contest.

Did you know that more Americans want to learn to make Chicken Cordon Bleu than any other chicken dish? It's true so here's an easy recipe for you. If you are looking for a more advanced recipe, you can go here to get it.

Chicken Cordon Bleu
Prep Time: 10-15 minutes
Serves: 3

1 package PERDUE® FIT & EASY® Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts
6 thin slices of salt-cured Virginia-smoked ham
3 slices domestic Swiss cheese
1whole egg
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup flour
1 cup breadcrumbs
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 tablespoon table ground black pepper
1 tablespoon olive oil

Slice chicken horizontally without cutting all the way through to create a butterfly breast.
Place chicken on cutting board with sheet of plastic wrap over top. With meat mallet, gently pound chicken to even thickness of breast. Place two slices ham and cheese on one side of breast and fold back over.

In bowl, whip together egg and water to create egg-wash.

On two separate plates, put flour and breadcrumbs. Season flour with salt and black pepper.

Carefully dredge chicken first into seasoned flour, then into egg-wash, followed by breadcrumbs.

Heat olive oil in ovenproof sauté pan. Place chicken in pan to brown. Cook for 2 minutes on one side, then flip each breast over. Place pan into oven at 350°F and cook until each chicken breast reaches 170°F internal temperature, about 20-25 minutes.

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Dark Chocolate Brownies- The Best Gluten-Free Recipe Updated!

Gluten free dark chocolate brownies
A pan of rich, dark chocolate brownies- gluten-free and dairy-free.

Yes, I've been tinkering. But first I have a question. Why bake a gluten-free brownie from scratch and not a mix?

While baking mixes are perfectly acceptable in a pinch, and no doubt a boon to busy cooks on a gluten-free diet (well, honestly, who isn't busy these days, I ask you?), your taste buds will tell you why. In a heart beat, Darling.

A dark chocolate brownie made from scratch is deeply delicious and decadent.

Even, impressive. Company worthy. Dare I say, date night worthy. I'm not kidding. This brownie recipe is swoon inducing.

You know what they say about chocolate.

But here's the best part. Throwing this recipe together takes only a few minutes longer than opening up a box. You can whip up these luscious gooey babies in a mere ten minutes. In less time than it takes you to scan your Pinterest feed. Or catch up on Facebook.


So what is more rewarding? Watching kittens on YouTube or stirring together this rich, tender, dark chocolate brownie recipe, one of the most loved and printed recipes here on Gluten-Free Goddess. Using just a scant amount of brown rice flour and almond meal gives these brownies a melt-in-your-mouth texture reminiscent of flourless chocolate cake. Without all the fuss.

And now I've updated the recipe, using coconut oil and 70% cocoa dark chocolate. There is no xanthan gum, and no starch.

Read more + get the recipe >>
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Facebook 1500+ Giveaway Winner

I just drew the winner for the subscription to Reminisce Magazine and it's...

True Random Number Generator  8Powered by RANDOM.ORG         

#8 Krista who said, "I was just on their site and saw a story about "Grandpa's Pocket Knife". It really touched home w/ me b/c my husband's grandfather just passed in July and he says one of the reasons he always carries a pocket knife is b/c grandpa always did :)"

She's actually the one I told you all about on Facebook last week. I loved her comment and she was randomly chosen as the winner!

Congrats Krista!
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Totally Tasty Tuesdays

Thanks for joining me today on TTT! I'm so happy to have you here, whether it's to link up some tasty recipes, or to find some new tasty recipes. I've got 3 incredible recipes to feature today and I can't wait to see what recipes get linked up this week.

Peach Cobbler

Peaches are in season right now in my neck of the woods and who doesn't love them some Peach Cobbler?

from Talking Dollars and Cents

I love Pierogi cooked in butter with nothing else on it. But, I think I need to try this!

from The Country Cook

Fall is in the air and I can't wait to start cooking and baking my fall favorites. This soup will be added to the list.


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Medal Gold Flour Winner

The winner for the Medal Gold Flour giveaway is #14... Julie who said, "I would use this in my mom's sugar cookie or snickerdoodle recipe." 
Be sure to check back tomorrow to see who won the Reminisce Magazine subscription and for Totally Tasty Tuesday!
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Gluten-Free Rice Crispy Treats

Gluten-free brown rice crispy treats, GFG style.

Sunday seems to stir up all kinds of sneaky devils and hungry ghosts in the guise of food nostalgia. I dreamed up my last post about Zucchini Gratin on a Sunday, stirring up a bread crumbed casserole of desire fraught with secret emotions and sticky attachments. Food as familial. Food evoking a warm embrace. Food as a way to connect our twenty-one grams of soul to this earth. The ground of being.

I think I know why I'm tip toeing in the garden of nostalgia lately.

My tribe is expanding.

The family my husband and I created when we held hands and promised I do through a veil of mutual tears is now plus one. I have a new daughter-in-law I regard with deep affection. She brings a fresh focus to our four-squared history. And I see us in a slightly altered light, looking at our shared quirks and wrinkles and dreams with renewed optimism. Our clan now feels stronger. Our humble, wacky tribe feels enriched.

And more than a tad sweeter.

Read more + get the recipe >>
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Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich

Philly Cheese Steak Sandwiches. One of the best sandwiches out there. I've never had a "real" Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich, since I've never been to Philadelphia. But if they are at least as good as these, I'll be fine with never making my way to Philly. 
Last week I shared Philly Cheese Steak Egg Rolls. These sandwiches are even better. Thanks to Miss Holly for her scrumptious recipes, I found another winner in these sandwiches.
The best part is that you can adapt them to your tastes. I don't like bell peppers, so I left them out. I think I will try adding mushrooms and roasted Anaheim peppers next time along with the onions.
I love these on a busy weeknight. Now that school is back in session, these come together so fast that I have time to help the kids with homework and all the other things they need.
P.S. Emma (3) says, "Where's my kids?" a lot these days. She calls Hannah and Preston her kids. I love it.

1 lb Sirloin Steak OR 1 lb frozen Philly Steak meat
1 Tablespoon Butter
1 Green or Red Bell pepper, sliced
1 small Yellow Onion, sliced into rings
Season Salt, to taste
Ground Black Pepper, to taste
4 Tablespoons Cream Cheese, softened
4 slices White American or Provolone Cheese
4 Hoagie Rolls

 In a large skillet on medium heat, add 1 Tablespoon of butter and add the onion and bell pepper. Saute until softened. About 5-10 minutes.
 Add your meat and cook for 2-3 minutes per side (if using frozen meat, otherwise until done). Once each side is brown, start to chop it up with your spatula. You want small bite size pieces. Sprinkle with season salt and pepper to taste.

I found these at Walmart in the frozen bins, not the stand up freezers. Perfect in this sandwich!

Place each hoagie bun half on a cookie sheet. Top bottom halves of hoagie buns with a quarter of meat mixture. Top each with one slice of cheese. Place under the broiler until cheese has melted, and the buns are slightly toasted. *Stand by your oven the whole time to watch the cheese melt. It melts fast!*
Remove sandwiches from oven and spread 1 Tablespoon of cream cheese on top half of bun. Close sandwiches and serve immediately.

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Gold Medal Flour Giveaway

This giveaway is closed.
I am excited for this giveaway! Gold Medal is sponsoring this giveaway through MyBlogSpark.

Unlike most whole wheat flours that are made from hard red spring wheat, Gold Medal White Whole Wheat flour is made with hard white spring wheat. So, it’s whole grain, but with a similar taste and texture to all-purpose white flour.
Perfect for family favorite recipes like breads, pizza dough, cookies, muffins and brownies, Gold Medal White Whole Wheat flour bakes up golden and has a milder flavor than baked goods made with regular whole wheat flour.
Start by simply substituting whole wheat white flour for 25 to 50 percent of the recipe’s flour content.
You may wish to add an extra tablespoon or two of the liquid used in the recipe when substituting Gold Medal White Whole Wheat flour or decrease the amount of flour by one to two tablespoon for recipes that call for all-purpose flour.

One of you will win a package containing the following:

A VIP coupon for a sample of Gold Medal White Whole Wheat Flour
Instructions for conversion
Recipe Cards
Cookie Jar

Simply leave a comment with your email address telling me what recipe you would substitute this flour in. Feel free to leave a link or the recipe as well.

Giveaway ends Sunday 9/18 at midnight Mountain Time.

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1500+ "Likes" on Facebook Giveaway...

Last night I put out on my Facebook page that I was close to 1500 "likes" and wanted to see if I could get to it soon. I did mention a little bribery, but it worked because I woke up to over 1500!
It wasn't so long ago that I was doing a giveaway for 1000. 
So I want to give a big Thanks to you for liking Mandy's Recipe Box on Facebook. 
As a matter of fact, I have a giveaway for my Facebook peeps. 
Yes, for just my Facebook "likers". Since that is why I'm celebrating.

I am giving one of you the chance to win one of my favorite things ever. Ever.
It's a subscription to Reminisce magazine!

It brings back the good ol' days. There's stories from people about their childhood memories, favorite Christmas', food memories (my personal favorite part) and so much more. There website is so fun and has even more memories and stories.
I have loved this magazine for 10 years when I first discovered it and a young gal of 21. It's the only magazine that I read cover to cover. It's also the parent magazine to others such as Taste of Home, Country Woman, and Birds and Blooms.
This magazine comes 6 times a year. Not enough for me so I also subscribe to Reminisce Extra.

Here's how to enter:
1. Mandatory- Like Mandy's Recipe Box on Facebook and leave a comment (on this post) telling me you do. If you already do {hugs to you}, just leave a comment saying so.

Extra entries:
2. Share this on your Facebook
3. Post this on your blog if you have one and leave me a link to it.
4. Tell me your favorite memory from growing up. It doesn't matter if you are 18 or 80. I wanna hear it!
5. Go to Reminisce's site, look around, and tell me your favorite feature.

Be sure to leave a separate comment for each thing you do as that is your entry.

Giveaway ends Monday 9/19 at midnight Mountain Time.

This giveaway is from me. Reminisce has not provided this nor have they given me any compensation. I simply am in love with this magazine and want to share it with others!
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Orange in Syrup (Som nai Nam-Chuem)

Fresh Thai tangerines have a highly aromatic thin greenish-yellow peel and are refreshingly sweet when ripe, perfect when served as fresh fruit or as a juice or cocktail mixer. To make the most of its delicate refreshing taste, oranges are served in a very light syrup on crushed ice.

  • 4 oranges
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 cups flower water
  • 1tsp/5ml flowers flavor
  1. Peel and segment the oranges, ensuring that no pits, pith or skin remain. Put the segments in a glass dish and set aside.
  2. In a small saucepan, bring the sugar and water gently to the boil, stirring occasionally.
  3. Boil for 15 minutes, until it is the consistency of a thin syrup.
  4. Add the flowers flavor and stir to blend.
  5. Pour the syrup over the orange segments and turn of the stove, let it cool.
  6. Pour in a serving bowl, top with ice and serve cold.
Note: can use for orange cake or keep it in the freeze until need.

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Khow Nieow Bpiak Khow-pod (Sticky Rice with Sweet Corn and Coconut Milk)

Thai Sweet corn is a type of maize that is high in sugar and is considered a vegetable rather than a fruit. Grown throughout the northern parts of Thailand, sweet corn is the result of a natural-occurring recessive mutation in corn genes which control conversion of sugar to starch inside the endosperm of the corn kernel. Unlike field corn varieties that are harvested when the kernels are dry and mature (dent stage), sweet corn is picked while the corn is immature (milk stage) and is eaten as a vegetable, rather than a grain. Since the process of maturation involves converting sugar into starch, sweet corn stores poorly and must be eaten fresh, canned, or frozen before the kernel become tough and starchy. Sweet corn is very common within the Thai cuisine. The uses of the corn range from being eaten by it self to incorporated in salad, stir-fry’s, soups and desserts. Because of its sweet and crunchy taste the combining sweet corn in to any cuisine is quite simple as it is appropriate for a variety of flavors and texture is a pleasant addition to many dishes.  And here I glad to present you sweet corn dessert in coconut milk.

  • 1 cup uncooked sticky rice
  • 1 cups sweet kernel corn or as much as you like
  • 2 cups coconut milk
  • ½  cup sugar
  • ½  tsp. salt
  • 2  pandan leaves (cut 1 inch)
  1. Cook sweet kernel corn in boiling water until cook, drain and set aside.
  2. Cook sticky rice in boiling water. The water should be above sticky rice for about 2 inches. Use low medium heat.
  3. Keep stirring the rice and don't let the rice too dry or too juicy. Be careful, the rice may get burnt at the bottom of the pot.
  4. Add pandanus leaves. Cook for 20 minutes. Notice the rice. When it's cooked, you will see the rice gets bigger. Remember to keep stirring the rice.
  5. Now, Add sugar, sweet corn and cook for one more minute. Then put the rice away from the stove.
  6. Boil coconut milk on low heat. Add salt when it's boiling. Turn off the stove.
  7. Put sticky rice sweet corn in a small bowl and top with coconut cream.
  8. Serve warm.

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Totally Tasty Tuesdays

Did you have a chance to make something you saw on TTT last week? Oh, but you're in for a treat (or 3) today!

from Grandma Loy's Kitchen

This would be perfect at our house. Little Emma has chocolate milk every morning. First thing. It's her coffee. Plus how great would it be in the winter as hot cocoa? Mmmm...

from Photo Life Site

You had me at cheesy.

from Brandy's Baking

How can you go wrong with these?


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