

Peanut Butter Ice Cream - Vegan and Dairy-Free

Creamy vegan peanut butter ice cream with dark chocolate shavings
The richest, creamiest vegan ice cream I've ever made.

It is hot and steamy here in New England. And I am not cooking. I am not even boiling water for my habitual ritual of afternoon tea. I am sitting in front of a petite blue desk-top fan. Eating ice cream. Homemade ice cream, to be exact. With nary a trace of dairy or gluten. And apparently, it is the best homemade ice cream I have ever made (so says my ever willing, taste-testing husband).

Who am I to argue?

It is indeed fabulous.

The inspiration came via one of our favorite Los Angeles restaurants- Akasha, in Culver City. At Akasha you can always find a lovely gluten-free choice on the menu- as well as something vegan, which by default, is dairy-free. A sigh-of-relief option for those of us saddled not only with celiac disease, but a dairy intolerance as well. (As a side note, I have found it harder to dine out dairy-free than gluten-free-- chefs love their butter, cream and cheese. And because they pre-prepare so many items on the menu, it is often impossible to find a dairy-free choice.) One of the gluten-free dessert choices at Akasha is vegan peanut butter ice cream.

It. Is. Simply. Divine.

So I decided to try my hand at re-creating it.

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Peace Out, Google Reader! Hello Bloglovin'!

If you don't use Google Reader to follow your favorite blogs {like Mandy's Recipe Box ;) }then this won't really matter to you. But if you do, you will want to read on...

Beginning Monday July 1st, Google Reader will be no more. To keep up with your favorite blogs, consider switching to Bloglovin'. It's really easy to do. 

Follow on Bloglovin

Here's my Top 10 Reasons to use Bloglovin':

1. It’s easy to get an account on bloglovin’. (Here’s my profile.) This just took a few minutes. I recommend filling out your profile as completely as possible, though. If you have a blog, others can find and follow your blog from your profile.
2. It isn’t hard to claim your blog on bloglovin’.To add a blog and get a bloglovin’ button for your site, you just need to add a bit of code to your site to “claim” your blog. Some add it to the sidebar. I just added it to the bottom of an already-existing post in the “text” view. You don’t need to publish a new post to add it unless you want to announce bloglovin’ through your post.
3. It’s easy to follow blogs through bloglovin’.
 For blogs that have a bloglovin’ button, you just have to click the button and then click “Follow.” You can search for any blogs within the bloglovin’ site and follow them even if they don’t have a bloglovin’ button.
4. You can move all your blogs on Google Reader to bloglovin’. It’s amazingly simple. I just followed the directions on bloglovin’ when I signed up. They were clear and easy to follow. Just go here if you aren’t automatically directed: Import Your Favorite Blogs from Google Reader. Be sure to check that you follow me and your other favorite blogs when you do move your blogs. I lost a lot of the blogs I followed when Google Friend Connect was discontinued for .com blogs. I know a lot of my followers lost my blog at the same time. So I’m still adding blogs that I lost. My list isn’t complete yet.
5. You can organize all the blogs you follow into categories. I need to do more with this, but I plan to do it in the future.
6. You can discover new blogs easily within bloglovin’. I love this feature! I set my emails to notify me whenever someone follows my blog. Then I can follow them if I wish as well as check who they follow and find new blogs to follow. There are also “top blogs”in different categories and “popular posts” features at bloglovin’ that enable you to discover new blogs as well. When you follow a blog, there’s even a “Similar Blogs” tab, which is really fun and helpful.
7. Bloglovin’ is faster than Google Reader. I had actually stopped using my Google Reader because it simply took too long to scroll through entire posts. With bloglovin’, I typically see the title, short excerpt, and an image. I can easily tell if I want to click on the post to read more.
8. You can get an email with the updates from the blogs you follow on bloglovin’. I’m overwhelmed with emails, but I still really appreciate this. It’s so easy for me to scroll down through the blogs I follow to see the latest updates. I try to keep on top of the latest activities and posts in my niche, and this is the easiest way I’ve found to do it. 
9. You can get a free app to follow bloglovin’ on mobile devices such as your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad: Free Bloglovin’ App. You can also use it with Android.
10. Blogs get pageviews when you read their posts through bloglovin’. That isn’t the case with Google Reader. Many bloggers are trying to help support their families through their blogging. We tend to put in way more hours than we’re actually “paid” for, but pageviews really help us. You can also “like” posts on bloglovin’. It’s always nice to get “likes” for encouragement and to see which posts are especially popular. If a post gets enough “likes,” it could be seen in the “popular posts” feature on bloglovin’, which helps even more.

 So head on over and sign up for your Bloglovin' account!
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Bubble Up Breakfast Casserole with Velveeta Cheese

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and their client.

Breakfast is one of my favorite meals. Which is funny to say since there's only 3, but it's still true. I don't always make a big healthy breakfast because my husband is off early to farm with my oldest son in tow, the girls wake up at different times, and I don't do early mornings especially having a 4 month old who still needs to eat during the night. But when I do make a good breakfast it's gotta be good. And fast. This casserole using Velveeta Cheese aka Liquid Gold is good and fast. It has Velveeta for crying out loud. And bacon.

I went shopping at Walmart (which you can see here) to buy this delicious liquid gold and found it among a lot of other cheeses. It was not in the refrigerated section, but on the regular aisle.

I brought some home to make this delicious casserole for breakfast. It's so good the way it is, but you could add other veggies like onions or green chiles and top it with some hot sauce if you want. The Velveeta melted down so smooth and kind of blended in with the eggs. 

Printable Version

6 slices of bacon, cooked and crumbled
1 can of Pillsbury Grands biscuts, 8 count (I used the flaky layers kind)
6 eggs
1 1/4 C. milk
8 oz. Velveeta , cubed
1 C. shredded Colby Jack cheese
1/4 tsp. garlic powder


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Lightly spray a 9×13-inch pan with cooking spray. 
  • Quarter biscuits and place in pan. 
  • Top with cooked bacon, Velveeta and Colby Jack cheese. 
  • Whisk together eggs, milk, garlic powder, salt and pepper.
  •  Pour over cheese and biscuits.
  • Bake 30-45 minutes, until golden brown.
  •  Allow to cool for 5-10 minutes before serving.

Check out Velveeta's Facebook page and Twitter, too!

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Copycat Taco Maker Crustos

Growing up, we ate at Taco Maker quite a bit. I always ordered one soft burrito and one crispy burrito. And  some Crustos. Those babies were and are my favorite thing on the menu. And guess what? I have a delicious copycat recipe for you. 
These taste just like them and I am in huge trouble. I can't stop making them and eating them. I hope you like them and I dare you to eat just 3 pieces. Just three.

Want the recipe? Then head over to Made From Pinterest to get it. 

You should also check out these other delicious cinnamon and sugar treats...

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Gluten-Free Cherry Almond Crisp

Fresh organic cherries- vegan and gluten-free- naturally.
Fresh organic cherries. Mother Nature's ruby gems.

Cherry Baby

Summer is heating up. And so is yours truly in all her hot flashing glory. (We'll get to the cherry almond crisp recipe in a moment- but first I have to get something off my chest.)

Last night my husband was scanning channels on cable. I sat down next to him, (quickie dinner plate perched on my knee) and crunched romaine lettuce, almonds and dried cherries as he watched the end of the Shawshank Redemption. One of his favorite movies. An affection shared by many a cinephile. This is a beloved film.

Then I heard it.

A line that stung and burned so deep and hot I stopped chewing. I stopped breathing. I sat as still as the fork on my uneaten plate of salad.

The despicable, murdering bully of a prison guard is being led away by police. We hear the voice of God Morgan Freeman purr with quiet authority that rumor has it this cruel and abusive man was led away "crying like a little girl".

The ultimate put down. Not only did he cry. He cried like a girl.

Because, really, who would ever want to be caught crying like a girl? It's the ultimate in weakness. The worst thing you could say about a man. It's dependent. It's needy. It's unmanly. Inadequate. Irrational. Disgusting.

Worthy of contempt.

A flood of sneers and mocking imagery ran through my head. All the put-downs of childhood endured and encoded in the hippocampus, stashed away for safe keeping.

You throw like a girl. You run like a girl. You cry like a girl.

Bullies. Belittling. Because girls are less worthy. Less capable. Less whole.

It's a message our culture delivers every day, via media of all kinds. From raunchy punchlines about yeast infections to commercials for thigh cream, from political pundits calling single women sluts, to the latest (oops!) leaked sex tape, from a misogynist song lyric that rhymes with witch to the impossibly high platform heels women teeter in, hobbled for fashion's sake, shoes designed for prey.

I think about this and our nation's Cult of Youth as I walk and sigh at twilight, wearing Converse sneakers and photographing violet shadows with my iPhone.

How often are girls and women celebrated for something other than appearance- a pretty object to penetrate, to own, or rate on a scale of one to ten.

And after a certain age- it only gets worse.

Just look at Botox sales stats. Women fear aging with a depth of disgust unfathomable. We are buoyed on an ocean of revulsion toward aging. Why else would we fail- collectively- to tell the honest truth about plastic surgery and the freakish waxy desperation it exudes? There isn't an actress over the age of 30 who can express worry or surprise with her forehead muscles any more (well that's an exaggeration. There are, maybe... three?).

Ask yourself- how often do we get to see ourselves depicted honestly, as complicated, brave, strong, authentically sexual- never mind brilliant, sassy, dimensional - and not be reduced to mere object or caricature?

Or worse, invisible.

This keeps me up at night. This girl stuff. This aging stuff. This what-do-I-do-next stuff. My hip starts to ache and I lie in the dark and feel no closer to solving my dilemma than I did yesterday. Or the day before.

And tonight?

I am sorry to say, I am no closer to an answer.

But at least I've told something true.

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Totally Tasty Tuesdays

 Totally Tasty Tuesdays

Welcome to Totally Tasty Tuesdays! I am excited to see what you link up this week!
Here is last week's most viewed recipe...

from The Pin Junkie
Other faves...

Southern Smothered Pork Chops with Kale Crisps and Mustard Mash
from Anyonita Nibbles

from It Bakes Me Happy

from Makin' it Mo' Betta

blueberry lemon pina colada
from Or So She Says

Enchilada Stuffed Shells
from Life With the Crust Cut Off

Grab a button if you were featured!

Mandy's Recipe Box

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