

"Skyrocket Your Savings!" E-book Giveaway

I just received this great e-book called Skyrocket Your Savings! from Rene of Budget Saving Mom

Budget Saving Mom

By show of hands, who doesn't want or need to save money or budget money? Who has all this already figured out? 

Well here is where Skyrocket Your Savings! comes in. Skyrocket Your Savings! is a nuts and bolts guide for real people living real lives trying to make it in today’s economy. It skips past unnecessary theory into the real tips and techniques that families need to adapt to the way life is today. Whether you want to start saving $5 or $5000, Skyrocket Your Savings! is designed to be the ultimate reference guide for revolutionizing your spending one dollar at a time. 

I can't wait to start reading it and applying her wisdom to my budget. I do pretty good, but I am always looking for better ways when it comes to dealing with money.

Rene is giving one of you a chance to win a copy of her e-book.
To enter all you need to do is leave a comment telling me your tips on saving money.

Contest runs until Sunday 11/13 at midnight. I will choose a winner using and announce it on Monday.

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