

Quinoa Salad with Baby Spinach and Grape Tomatoes

Quinoa salad with baby spinach and tomatoes #vegan #glutenfree
Quinoa salad with baby spinach and tomatoes.

Quinoa + Spinach = Salad Days

Here is a wonderful year-round salad that is inviting, fresh and vibrant. The sort of salad a certain individual needs on a damp, late winter day when the sky is paper white and the clouds are thick with snow. On a day such as this it is tempting to head straight for comfort food. That leftover Kicked Up Baked Mac 'n Cheese in the fridge. That wedge of Roasted Vegetable Kugel. But what the body craves may- or may not be- what the body needs.

I'm just saying.

I'm no expert on cravings. But I do know that if I make a habit of indulging every gnawing whim and urge that wiggles its way into my sun deprived brain I'd munch Blueberry Crumb Cake for breakfast and eat Horseradish Spiked Red Potato Salad every noon hour from now till the Vernal Equinox (a serotonin-boosting strategy not recommended, by the way, for those of us past a certain age where you can pack on voluptuous pounds faster that you can say blueberry pancakes on a stick).

It also doesn't help that yours truly sports three honkin' titanium screws in the left hip joint, curtailing one's enthusiasm for certain popular aerobic routines. Maybe if I Zumbaed I'd still fit into my summer winter jeans. As of last week there's not a pair of jeans in the house I can riggle into. [And by the way, why do doctors insist on referring to hip screws as pins, embroidering knitting group safe visions of a petite and delicate procedure that in no way involved a couple of workbench sized clamps and a battery operated power drill?]

All I can say is thank goddess for black leggings. Paired with a tunic top they hide a multitude of muffins.

And cake.

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Totally Tasty Tuesdays

Hey guys!
Totally Tasty Tuesdays is back!

 Totally Tasty Tuesdays

I am still taking a break from posting recipes so I can focus on my sweet little boy.
In case you haven't heard...It's a Boy!

He is such a good baby, oh my goodness. He only gets up twice at night to eat and is so happy when he is awake. The kids are in love with him. All I want to do is sit and snuggle him. So that's exactly what I do.
I love this picture of him I shared on Instagram...

See why I have trouble doing anything but stare at him all day?
I have amazing blogging friends who are filling in for me while I enjoy my little guy. Have you seen the posts from Back for Seconds and Crazy for Crust? Amazing. So stick around for more great recipes from my friends.
There are no features this week so link up your best stuff and the features will return next week.

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Lemon Cake Mix Cookies {Guest Blogger: Crazy For Crust}

Well hello everyone! This is Dorothy, from Crazy for Crust.

 I'm so excited to be here at Mandy's house today, because that means she's off having her baby! What a sweet time for her family, I'm so happy for them!

Mandy and I met awhile ago, I think through her Totally Tasty Tuesdays linky party. And since then, I've fallen in love with all of her delicious food and her photos. I mean, every time I look at her site I'm drooling, really. How can you look at her Heavenly Oreo Dessert or her Little Caesar's Breadsticks and not drool? Go on, try it. I dare you!

Anyway, you might ask me: why are you called Crazy for Crust when you brought cookies to Mandy's for the day? Well, that's a good point. I do love crust, but I love other things too. Like brownies, cakes, pie, and sugar in general.

And, lately anyway, you may say I'm Crazy for Lemon. I've made fudge, sweet rolls, and ice cream just since Christmas. And, I have a gazillion more recipes lined up. So, yeah. Crazy for Lemons should be my new name.

You might look at these and say, duh Dorothy. Lemon Cake Mix cookies. Just buy a box of lemon cake mix and I can do that! Well, um, no. These are different!

I used a regular old yellow cake mix for these - so they have a distinct cake battery flavor. Then I added Meyer lemon juice and zest to them. Have you ever had Meyer lemons? The smell is intoxicating. But if you only have regular lemons, that's fine too. These will be perfectly lemony no matter which lemon you use.

This is a small batch of cookie. It uses part of a cake mix - and makes less cookies, just over a dozen. So you can eat the whole batch and not feel guilty! It's a win-win!

And then there's the white chocolate. Lemon and white chocolate go together like Mork and Mindy, Rachel and Ross, and peanut butter and chocolate. They are the perfect match!

Combined, all these things (lemon, white chocolate, and cake mix) mix up to a delicious cookie, sweet and a teeny bit tart from the lemon. They are one of my favorites!

Kind of like Mandy. :)

Congrats on your new addition Mandy! I hope that you're all doing well and sleeping through the night already. xo

Come visit me over at Crazy for Crust sometime. I'll make you some crust, I promise. And some blondies. And ice cream. Oh, and if you didn't already figure it out, I'll talk your ear off too. ;)

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Lemon White Chocolate Cake Mix Cookies
by Dorothy @

1 3/4 cups yellow cake mix
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 large egg
1 tablespoon lemon zest
2 tablespoons lemon juice
(Both zest and juice were from 1 large Meyer lemon - with smaller lemons you may need 2!)
1 tablespoon flour
1/2 cup white chocolate chips

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Add cake mix, oil, and egg to a large bowl. Stir to combine. Add lemon juice, zest, and flour and stir until the mixture comes together. Stir in white chocolate chips.
  3. Chill your dough for at least 30 minutes before baking.
  4. Scoop tablespoons of dough (I used a 2-tablespoon cookie scoop) onto your cookie sheet. Bake 8-10 minutes until they just start to brown on the bottom. Cool 10 minutes before removing from cookie sheet.

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Banana Orange Bread {Guest Blogger: Back For Seconds}

Stephanie Back For Seconds

Hi everyone, I'm Stephanie from Back For Seconds! I am so happy to be here with you while Mandy is taking some time off to enjoy her brand new baby. I am the official recipe developer, baker, photographer, and author of Back For Seconds.
I am mama to a little girl and twin baby boys and am lucky to be married to quite a hunk ;) I am addicted to chocolate and sparkles and love to make new friends - get to know me better here and shoot me an email! I love hearing from you! Mandy is so talented in the kitchen. I have tried some of her recipes and they have all been wonderful! She's such a sweetie too, I'm just thrilled she invited me to come share with you today! This recipe is one of my favorites. The bread is so moist and has such a bright flavor! With or without the glaze, this bread was a huge hit in our house! It's so easy to throw together and if you make it the night before it's a quick thing to grab in those groggy hours after waking. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

  Banana Orange Bread by Back For Seconds  #breakfast #quickbread #banana #orange #glaze

Banana Orange Breadby: Back For Seconds
  • 1 1/4 cup flour
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 cup softened butter
  • 1 large ripe banana
  • 1/4 cup fresh orange juice
  • 2 tsp orange zest
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla
In a large bowl mix together the dry ingredients with the butter until crumbly. In another bowl mix together the wet ingredients. Blend the two mixtures together until smooth. Pour into greased loaf pan and bake at 350* for 50-60 min or until toothpick comes out clean. Let cool in pan for 15 minutes and then remove and cool on wire rack. When ready to serve pour the glaze over bread.
Orange Vanilla Glaze
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 2-4 Tbs fresh orange juice
  • 1 tsp orange zest
Mix ingredients together until desired consistency is reached. Pour over bread when ready to eat or store in the refrigerator.

I would be tickled pink to have you follow Back for Seconds! Here's where you can find me:

Facebook/Pinterest/Twitter/Google+/Blog Lovin/Instagram/RSS

Want more breakfast ideas?
Chocolate Marshmallow Pancakes with Cocoa Maple Syrup #breakfast #pancakes #chocolate #marshmallow #maple
Elvis Muffins
Skinny Nutella Cinnamon Banana Swirl Bread @BackForSeconds
Thanks so much for having me, Mandy! Enjoy that precious baby!! xoxo
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Gluten-Free Shepherd's Pie Two Ways (one vegan)

Gluten free shepherds pie two ways - one with chicken and one with tofu and veggies and dairy-free cheese topped mashed potatoes
Cooking light- gluten-free shepherd's pie with lovely gravy, two ways.

Gluten-Free Shepherd's Pie Two Ways (one vegan)

A cold rain is rolling through Connecticut, interrupting a whisper of mist with sudden bursts of stinging wet drops. The skies are wooly gray, gloomy and low. It's the kind of day that calls for comfort in the form of food. Something baked in a crock. Something piping hot and old fashioned. Something with mashed potatoes...

A savory pie, I said out loud, standing at the kitchen sink, listening to the staccato of rain drumming the skylights.

Don't tease me, said my husband, looking up from his latest screenplay.

I wouldn't joke about a thing like pie, I assured him.

Seriously. I'm thinking a shepherd's pie, I said. But not the usual shepherd's pie. No beef. No onion. No peas.

Please, he said. No peas.

You know, that could get you into trouble, I told him. Your pea prejudice. The foodie police will be at our door before you know it. Demanding equal time for peas. And I'm already in enough trouble with their ilk.

Their ilk? he asked.

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Kale Salad with Quinoa, Tangerines and Roasted Almonds

Gluten-free kale salad with quinoa tangerine and roasted almonds
Kale salad with tangerines, quinoa, and almonds.

My Kale Crush

Something has frozen over. Or maybe pigs are flying. I actually, um, like kale. After all my mocking, my nose crinkling, my eye rolling. After tweeting disparagingly about the taste of this dark leafy green (I believe the word I used was swampy). Behold. I am converted. I have seen the light.

The turning point? Lacinato kale (also called Tuscan black kale, or dinosaur kale). The long, slender leaves are delightfully un-swamp like. And unlike many good-for-you greens, there is little bitterness to harsh your mellow. Lacinato (like its curly kale cousin) does benefit from massage- especially in silky extra virgin olive oil.

But then Darling- what doesn't?

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Whole Wheat Blueberry Muffins

Update... I had my baby boy the day this post came out! Isaac Lance Bird is perfect and momma is doing well. More to come later!

So since I'm having a baby in a couple days, I thought I would post something healthy. 
Because I'm gonna need to eat healthy to get back to pre-baby weight. 
I hate dieting.
 I hate feeling restricted. 
These muffins are yummy and healthy at the same time. I did the full whole wheat flour, but you could do half whole wheat and half white if you aren't ready for the whole shebang. 
This will be my last post for a while, but don't you worry...
I have a fabulous line-up of my amazing blogging friends who will be filling in for me. Be sure to check back because you won't want to miss what they have to share with you, I guarantee it!
And I will most likely be blowing up Instagram with pics of my new love so follow along. I will also introduce you to our new daughter/son. 

Streusel Ingredients
1/4 C. white whole wheat flour
1/4 C. packed brown sugar
1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon
2 Tbsp. cold butter

Muffin Ingredients
3/4 C. milk
1/4 C. butter, melted
1 egg
1 1/2 C. white whole wheat flour
1/2 C. sugar
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 C. blueberries (fresh or frozen)

  • Heat oven to 400 degrees F and line muffin cups with paper baking cups or grease bottoms of the pan.
  • In a small bowl, mix dry streusel ingredients. 
  • Cut in cold butter until crumbly. Set aside. 
  • In a large bowl or your mixer bowl, beat milk, melted butter, and egg until well mixed.
  •  Stir in flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt just until moistened. 
  • Fold in blueberries.
  •  Divide batter evenly among muffin cups; sprinkle each with streusel.
  •  Bake 20 to 25 minutes until done. 
  • If using greased cups, let sit 5 minutes before removing from pan. If using paper cups, remove immediately. 

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Best Gluten-Free Pancakes

Gluten-Free Pancakes and Maple Syrup - for a gluten-free diet
Wonderful pancakes for a gluten-free diet.

Sunday Worthy Gluten-Free Pancakes

When I was small and clueless I ate the world in tiny bites. I chewed apologetically, counting each deliberate grind in time to the spiral beats of a song in my head that only I could hear. A tune not unlike a mosaic of bird calls, and the powdery flutter of wings feeding on the garden lit by young Mozart's star.

Colors were a mysterious and spiritual language infused with deep logic and meaning. A lime green Jello box invited tunneling and confusion, but the sweet brush of balsam as I sought asylum beneath its rooted symmetry petted my pining fatherless heart.

Trust is green and hard to paint, but so is betrayal.

Not only the betrayal by others. The betrayal you participate in. The hammering of your spirit self into propriety. The brittle, safe shell you construct and will curl inside for the rest of your life. You inhabit it sullenly. Sometimes willingly. Because sometimes it works. Mostly to fool them. Fool them into thinking you are someone else. Someone uncomplicated they can love. Someone like themselves.

In order to keep this armor snug you must give up on certain pieces of yourself. The ugly, muddy parts those in charge find distasteful or irritating or inscrutable. What no one tells you is, you end up missing these rejected quirks and knots. And spend the rest of your life searching for all those abandoned bits and wrinkles. The shining fragments of earlier music and jewels of petaled rain.

But if you are lucky you meet a painter.

A soul adept at conjuring a thicket within their non-judging arms. You learn about green and its secret origin. How to stir ivory black with cadmium yellow and a teaspoonful of cerulean. You dream of butterscotch pines and inhale and your spirit-body becomes too big for the worn out shell.

So you crack it.

Sideways at first. Sticking out fingers and elbows when no one is looking. Digging out fragments long forgotten. Rubbing off neglect and holding wobbly pale parts of yourself closer to the sunlight.

And you meet yourself for the first time in a long, long time.

In the rays escaping.


Gluten-free pancakes on the griddle.
I use a stove top griddle across two burners on medium-high heat.

For the first time in a long, long time I made pancakes.

Because I craved a family Sunday with pancakes.

And The Beatles.

And lots of maple syrup.

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Big G & DreamWorks Giveaway

This giveaway is closed. The winner is closed#17...Kathy!
If you're kids love DreamWorks characters such as Shrek, Kung Fu Panda, Madagascar, and How to Train Your Dragon, this giveaway is for them!

For a special time (until March 15th or while supplies last) Big G and DreamWorks Animation have teamed up to create four collectible DVD samplers containing content from Shrek, How to Train Your Dragon, Kung Fu Panda and Madagascar, just for you. Each DVD contains fun episodes, behind the scenes footage and bonus material from your favorite DreamWorks Animation movies. Hurry and collect all four! Plus, look for an exclusive sneak peak at “The Croods” coming to theaters, March 22, 2013.

Hurry! Your chance to collect all four DreamWorks Animation DVD samplers ends soon.
But one of you will win this awesome gift pack:
Set of 4 DreamWorks Animation DVD Samplers
The Croods: Grub's Survival Book
The Croods: Movie Novelization Book
Film Reel tin filled with some of your favorite movie theater treats
Combined Retail Value: $53
To enter:
Simply leave a comment telling me your favorite General Mills cereal.
Giveaway ends 2/21.

Disclosure:  The information, products and General Mills gift packs were provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark.
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Totally Tasty Tuedays {Features Only}

 Totally Tasty Tuesdays

Howdy friends.
Since I will be having a baby NEXT WEEK, I decided to skip Totally Tasty Tuesdays link up this week and next week. 
But I had to show the features from last week, didn't I?
So here is last week's most viewed recipe...

Crockpot Creamy Chicken and Bacon
from Mrs. Schwartz's Kitchen
Other Faves...

Lady Behind The Curtain - Cinnamon Toast Mini Muffins
Cinnamon Toast Mini Muffins 
from Lady Behind the Curtain

Garlic Cheese Sticks with Marinara
from Dessert Now, Dinner Later

Red Velvet Twinkies
from Chica Chocolatina

Sweetheart Buddies
from The Recipe Critic

 photo IMG_3896_zpsccb64313.jpg
Strawberry Pancakeswith Vanilla Sauce
from Annie's Noms

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Love & Kisses: (Sexy!) Gluten-Free Love Foods

ipad painting by karina allrich (roses)
Roses- iPad painting by Karina

Valentine's Day is looming. A dicey day for those of us who need to live gluten-free. In spite of our pragmatism and gritty resolve to stay healthy, we crave our romance, too. We celebrate love- in all its multitudinous incarnations, right?. We champion Love (sexy) over Fear (not sexy).

Now more than ever.

So don't worry, Darling. I've got your back.

Cooking is not only about nutrition, health and nourishment, it's a sensual experience- if done with gentle attention, generous attitude and love. Is there a cook among us who doesn't understand the seductive power of a meal stirred with lust- I mean- affection? It’s no accident that our Bubbes and grandmothers instructed us with the well-buttered axiom, “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Olfactory studies reveal that men prefer culinary over floral fragrances. I kid you not.

The two sexiest scents according to men submitting to a blind sniff-off?

Pumpkin pie and vanilla.

Your granny was right. So with the delicate art of seduction in mind, I thought I'd share a short list of goddess approved Love Foods to inspire us all. Because it's all about love, Babycakes.

And if- by fate or choice- you happen to be sans a honey this particular V-day season, consider treating yourself to a gorgeous meal.

True love begins at home, I always say.

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Raspberry Pudding Bars

I haven't posted anything Valentine-y yet.
These qualify because they have red in them.
But they taste really really good so you can count them.
Whoever eats them will feel loved.
Because they have raspberries in them.
And raspberries aren't the cheapest berry out there. 
See? That says love.

1 1/2 C. graham cracker crumbs
6 Tbsp. butter, melted
2 Tbsp. granulated sugar
1 package (8 oz.) cream cheese, softened
1/2 C. powdered sugar
1 package (3.3 oz) instant Jell-O White Chocolate Pudding (you can also use lemon, vanilla, or cheesecake flavors)
1 C. milk
1 tsp. lemon zest (optional if using lemon pudding)
12 oz. fresh raspberries, save 1/3 C. for garnish

  • Line an 8x8 baking dish with parchment paper or foil. Set aside. 
  • Combine graham cracker crumbs, butter and sugar until well blended. 
  • Press into baking pan. Refrigerate while preparing the filling. 
  • Combine cream cheese and powdered sugar with an electric mixer until well blended. 
  • Add dry pudding mix, milk, and lemon zest if using it. 
  • Beat 2 minutes or until well blended. 
  • Layer raspberries on top of crust. 
  • Pour pudding mixture over raspberries; spread gently to cover berries. 
  • Refrigerate at least 4 hours before serving. 
  • Use edges of parchment paper or foil  to lift bars from the pan. 
  • Cut into 9 squares and garnish with extra raspberries.

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Totally Tasty Tuesdays

 Totally Tasty Tuesdays

2 weeks, ya'll.
2 weeks to baby time!
Being induced has its perks.
Like knowing I won't be in public and having my water break in the ice cream produce aisle.
Or knowing I won't give birth in the middle of nowhere in the backseat of my vehicle (we're over an hour from the hospital).
Or for sure having access to pain meds cuz this mama don't have nothin' to prove. 
I know there is still a chance this baby may come anytime and all that could be moot, but I have always been induced with each of my pregnancies and don't see this one being any different.
Lance will be coming home this weekend, hopefully, so we can get the finishing stuff ready. Like putting the cradle in our room, etc. And I am not letting him leave anytime soon.
So let's party!
Here is this week's most viewed recipe...

Hot Cheesy Taco Dip 
from CrazyLou

Other Faves...

Chocolate Strawberry Dip
from What's Cooking, Love?

Frosted Cakey Sugar Cookies by Back For Seconds #lofthouse #sugarcookies
Frosted Cakey Sugar Cookies
from Back For Seconds

Not So Fried Rice
from The Plaid and Paisley Kitchen

Chicken & Spinach Lasagna
from The Unsophisticated Kitchen

Super easy lemon bars--the white chocolate in the base is the perfect balance for the tangy lemon curd.  #desserts #recipe #lemon
Lemon-Vanilla Dream Bars
from Kitchen Meets Girl

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