

Totally Tasty Tuesdays

Welcome to Totally Tasty Tuesdays where I feature the tasty recipes you've been making.
 Totally Tasty Tuesdays
How is everyone doing on their New Year's Resolutions? Did you make any? I did not. Yet.
My focus is on keeping this baby cooking another 7 weeks until my due date and Lance is home. After that, my goal is to balance life with a new baby again.
If you follow me on Instagram you would have seen this pic of me, baby, and Emma...
When people (strangers, especially) see me they ask, "How much longer do you have?" Followed by, "Are you havng twins?"
1. Yep. I still have 7 weeks to go.
2. No I am not having twins.
I have always looked like this with each of my pregnancies. I just carry 'em out front.
And the baby is right on track with it's size. We say "it" because we are waiting until the birth to find out what we are having. I am excited! 
Now, let's get on to the party!
The most viewed recipe...

2012 Reader Favorites
from Love Bakes Good Cakes
Other Faves...
Owl Bread
from Winnish
Brownies with Peanut Butter Mud
from Twirl and Taste
Hot Chocolate on a Stick - Turtles and Tails blog
Hot Chocolate on a Stick
from Turtles and Tails
Be sure to grab a button if you were featured!

Mandy's Recipe Box


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