

Tag! I'm it...

Michelle over at All Home Cooking. All Year Long. has tagged me in a game called Eight to the Eight to the Eight. The idea is that I'm supposed to answer Michelle's eight questions, then pose eight of my own, and tag eight people to answer those. And so on and so on. I am actually excited to do this and see who plays along with me. I think it lets people get to know the bloggers. So here are the questions Michelle asked me...

1. Who inspires you in the kitchen? Why?
*Many people inspire me. My mom. I remember making Christmas goodies with her every year for family and neighbors. I still use her recipes with my own family. Also, Giada and The Neelys. Whenever I watch them, I just want to cook something. Finally, all the amazing food bloggers out there. Wow! I have never seen such amazing recipes.

2. To sift or not to sift?
*No sifting for me. I don't have a sifter!

3. How do you feel about white chocolate?
* Pass. Unless it's a Hershey's Cookies and Cream candy bar.

4. How do you feel about Teflon?
* I think it's great for cooking, at first. Until the black stuff (Teflon) starts flaking off into the food. Who wants that? I received a stainless steel sauce pan from CSN Stores and love it! I'd like to replace all my Teflon cookware with that. Or Le Creuset. LOVE LOVE that stuff.

5. What dish are you famous for?
*Not so much a dish, but my Snickerdoodles. My sisters-in-law won't let me blog it. Sorry...

6. What's the biggest cooking disaster you've ever experienced?
* When my husband and I were first married, I made this for dinner with his 2 high school friends and their wives. Apparently I didn't let the rice cook long enough ( I didn't use instant rice) and when we ate it, the rice was crunchy. Embarassing! But the one kid had lived in Equador for 2 years and that's how they eat their rice, so he thought that's how it was supposed to be.

7. If you could cook with any one person, alive or deceased, real or fictional, who would it be and why?
* Definately the Neelys or Giada! How fun would that be?!
8. What dish would you consider your pièce de résistance, and have you mastered it yet?
* I would say Lasagna and no I haven't. I'm still trying to get my husband to love it  (he only likes food and doesn't get what all the fuss is about. No matter what it is. He doesn't understand when I taste something incredible and close my eyes to savor the taste. Can you believe that? Crazy, is what he is.).

Now it's your turn. Here are my bloggers that I've tagged...

1.The American Homemaker
2. ValSoCal
3. The Apron Girls
4. Rainy Day Farm
5. Sinful Southern Sweets
6. Making Memories...One Fun Thing After Another
7. The Better Baker
8. Heart N Soul Cooking

Here are the questions to answer...

1. What is your cooking tool/gadet that you can't live without?
2. What is something that you can't make unless you are sharing it, otherwise you'd eat it all yourself?
3. Favorite cooking memory growing up?
4. The one recipe you love from someone who inspires you? (Mom, Grandma, friend, etc.)
5. Where would you love to visit if money was no object, and why?
6. Why do you blog?
7. What is your favorite book?
8. Who would you love to have dinner with who is dead, alive, or famous?

Have fun & pass on the fun!

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