

It's Time For Another Giveaway!

This giveaway is closed.
It is time for a giveaway, once again, sponsored by CSN Stores.

They are pretty awesome and have over 200 online stores to shop from. I received a Le Creuset dish from them that I love! They have everything from school supplies to outdoor items.  So for this giveaway, one of you have a chance to win $40 to choose anything you want from their sites. Good luck with that as it will be difficult. They have so much to choose from! Here are the rules:

Choose any or all of the following for entries to win (make sure you leave a seperate comment for each thing you do as that will be your entry. If you put everything you did in one comment, you'll only earn one entry):
1. Follow Mandy's Recipe Box on Facebook and leave a comment saying you do.
2. Follow my blog with Google Connect. Leave a comment.
3. Blog this post on your blog with a link back here. Leave a comment.
4. Post about this giveaway on your Facebook Status. Leave a comment.
5. Tell me which recipe you have tried or want to try and how it turned out. Leave a comment.

Good luck! Contest closes on Friday August 6th at midnight. The winner will be announced Saturday August 7th.
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Karina's Vegan Coleslaw with Peanut Dressing

Easy coleslaw recipe with peanut dressing that is dairy-free, vegan and gluten-free
Crunchy cool vegan slaw with a light peanut dressing.

It's almost the end of July. How has your summer been? Moonlit and sultry? All Popsicles and kiddie pool? Or just plain flat out busy as a bee? If it's been busy, Sugar, I can relate. Here in our tiny corner of the world we've been too crazy to cook much. We've been living on salads and smoothies. We're apartment hunting. Spending hours in the car navigating the neighborhoods of West Hollywood, searching for the perfect place. Or rather, the quasi-perfect place because perfection is unattainable. I know this. I do. But I still (naively) make a top ten priority list.

If I find a unit with a window over the kitchen sink (high on my list) there's inevitably no dishwasher. If I tour one with a dishwasher, there's no window, and no patio (I'd love some outside access to put a small table and plant a few pots by the door). Washer and dryer? Ha. You know that saying, If you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans? Well, if you want to hear the gods laugh even harder, make a wish list. For an apartment in West Hollywood. For example...

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Ravioli and Spinach Alfredo

I had some ravioli in my refridgerator that needed to be used as well as some spinach in my garden. This recipe is the result. I also added some chicken to give it protein and, well, let's face husband is a meat eater and needed that extra addition. It comes together quickly so that's a plus in my book.

Ravioli and Spinach Alfredo (with chicken)
1 (18 oz.) package of refrigerated ravioli (I used four cheese)
2 packets of Alfredo mixture
1 (14 oz) can of chicken or 2 cups cooked and cut up chicken

Boil the ravioli in water as package directs or for about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, make the alfredo sauce according to directions. Pour into a large skillet and add cooked ravioli. Add spinach and cooked or canned chicken. For the spinach, it cooks down so pile it in the pan and cover with a lid. Let it cook on medium until the spinach cooks down. Stir occasionally.

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Khanom Cha Mong Kood (Egg Yolks Dumpling in Wheat Flour Crown)

Cha Mong Kood is a royal Thai dessert,served to the King. It is a rare Thai dessert because of its complicated methods of making.

Ingredients for Watermelon seeds: thorn shaped
  • 1 cup red skinless watermelon seed
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup jasmine scented water
  • Mix sugar and jasmine scented water together. 
  • Heat to boiling. Remove from heat.
  • Stir fry watermelon seeds over low heat. 
  • Put finger into prepared syrup, then nib watermelon seeds with the finger till the syrup dries. 
  • Wipe the pan with wet clothes. 
  • Rub till the seeds become thorn, which takes about 5 – 6 hours. 
  • Store the seeds in closed container.
Ingredients for Cup flour
  • 1 cup wheat flour
  • 2 egg yolks1 egg
  • Mix flour with eggs. Knead till soft. 
  • Spread the flour into thin sheets, then cut the rim to make 2 inches diameter round sheet.
  • Put the flour into a small cup, press slightly to form the flour to be a cup. 
  • Remove from the cup with fork. Bake and set aside
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Khanom Sanae Chun (Flour Paste)

Khanom Sanae Chun is made of flour sugar, coconut cream and egg yolks stirred together till dry. Then, form the mixture to be "Look Chun" a kind of fruit. The finished dessert looks like natural Look Chun.

  • ½  cup glutinous flour
  • ½  cup rice flour
  • ¼  cup chun ted powder (Wikipedia)
  • 2 cup thick coconut cream
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1. Sift glutinous rice flour, rice flour, and Chun Ted powder together.
  • 2. Mix coconut cream and sugar together. Heat the mixture till the sugar dissolves, strain with muslin. 
  • 3. Add the mixed flour in Step 1. Stir well on low heat till thick. 
  • 4. Let warm, mix egg yolks. Heat the pan and stir the mixture again till the mixture dried. 
  • 5. Add a little bit of yellow color.
  • 6. Form the mixture to be Look Chun. Garnish with brown color.
This recipe about 70 pieces. 

Search for Nutmeg Powder

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Now that's my kind of Cherry Bombe!

Chocolate Cherry Bombe
The July 2010 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Sunita of Sunita’s world – life and food. Sunita challenged everyone to make an ice-cream filled Swiss roll that’s then used to make a bombe with hot fudge. Her recipe is based on an ice cream cake recipe from Taste of Home. Well, the timing for this recipe challenge could not have been better. Dad's birthday is in
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Vegan Almond Salad Recipe

Almond salad makes a lovely replacement for tuna salad in a vegan diet
Not Starkist Salad. Eat groovy. Save a tuna.

The older I get the more I crave simple. You know what I'm talking about. Home cooking. Childhood classics- like tuna salad. Instead of getting all worldly and sophisticated and dabbling with truffle oil, with each new gray hair my taste is hula hooping into kid-friendly food faster than Marisa Tomei can waggle. Well, maybe not that fast. She is pretty nimble. But you get my drift. I'm whipping up peanut butter and banana sandwiches, not oysters Rockefeller. Actually, I wouldn't know an oyster Rockefeller if it bit me in the tuchas. Filet Mignon (would you believe I've never had it?) doesn't even tempt me, Darling. And Chicken Cordon Bleu vs Chicken Kiev?

Okay. It is here where I confess that I'm no Betty Crocker and I've never attempted either recipe. Most likely because I was never what you'd call a big meat eater. I went vegetarian at age thirteen. If I've dabbled at all in the culinary arts it's been because of Anna Thomas and not Julia Child. The first cookbook I ever bought was The Vegetarian Epicure. That was 1972- the first time I ever made soup from scratch, thanks to Anna.

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Khanom Ray Rai (Rice Thread with Coconut Meat)

Khanom Ray Rai is a beautiful Thai dessert. It is always mentioned about its eye catchy aspect both in normal conversation and in writing.

  • 300 g. dried rice flour
  • 30 g. tubular flour
  • 50 g. singapore flour
  • 375 g. coconut cream
  • 500 g. fresh flower scented water
  • 200 g. sugar
  • 240 g. steamed grated coconut meat
  • 3 g. salt
  • 135 g. black white cooked sesame seeds
  • 3 – 4 g. banana leaves
  • 1. Mix rice flour, tubular flour, and coconut cream together. Knead the mixture for 10 minutes. Then add the rest of coconut cream and jasmine scented water. Put the mixture into the pan. Stir till the mixture dries and no longer stick to pan. Leave to warm.
  • 2. Knead the mixture till soft. Roll the mixture to be 10 inches long, and 1 inch wide. Cut the rolled mixture into 1 inch pieces.
  • 3. Sprinkle cassava flour onto the mold. Put and press the prepared mixture in Step 2 in the mold. The pressed flour will be round, line like a piece of hay in bird’s nest.
  • 4. Put banana leaves onto the steamer. Grease the leaves with coconut cream. Put the prepared mixture in Step.3 into the steamer. Steam for 4 – 5 minutes. Remove from heat.Leave to cool.
  • 5. Serve with cooked grated coconut meat mixed with coconut cream and salt.
1. The most important step of making Khanom Ray Rai is preparing the flour.
- Knead the flour with the palm till soft.
- Stir the flour in one direction only.
- Use cassava flour as needed. If uses it too much, the flour will be too wet when steam.
2. After the water boils, steam the dessert for another 3 – 4 minutes only. If longer, the dessert will be too wet, and flat.
3. To serve:
- Sprinkle grated coconut meat on the dish first.
- Place the dessert on the coconut.
- Separate coconut cream, sesame seeds, and sugar. When it is ready to eat, sprinkle sugar, sesame seeds, and coconut cream on the dessert consequently.
- The dessert should be shiny, sticky, and soft.

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Khanom Leb Meu Nang (Ladies fingers)

Leb Meu Nang is served in wedding ceremony or in teaching Buddhism in the temple. With its good smell, soft, sticky, sweet, and its shape,  which is long and thin like ladies fingers, it is called "Khanom Leb Meu Nang"

  • Mix rice flour with cassava flour. 
  • Knead the two flours by adding jasmine scented water gradually till soft. 
  • Pour the rest of the water into the flour.
  • Stir the mixture over high heat till thick. 
  • Then lower the heat and continue stirring till the mixture does not get stick to the pan. Leave to cool.
  • Knead the flour again. If the flour is too sticky, touch cassava flour while kneading. Form the mixture gradually into a long and thin shape with pointed ends.
  • Boil water. Put the prepared flour into boiling water till it floats. 
  • Remove the cooked dessert and put it into grated coconut meat mixed with salt.
  • Boil coconut cream, add salt. Dissolve 2 g. of rice flour with water and add it into the coconut cream. Remove from heat after the mixture boils.
  • Stir fry sesame seeds (without oil). Mix sugar.Desired characteristics of the dessert:Soft ad sticky, and scented : sweet and creamy
Use medium heat while shining first, then lower the heat. If use too low heat, the mixture will get stick to the pan and is not soft.

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Scented candle, Scented Thai dessert

…….Thai dessert is one that symbolizes Thai nation with people that preserve and inherits the culture-tradition in making not to be cut off although the numbers are not much or for dessert difficult to make need to use highly articulate which is difficult to find for a person to inherits this making of Thai desserts. In addition to its delicious taste and beautiful shape like Thai sweets make by skilled meticulously maker. It also has an aromatic smell that urge people to taste. Therefore it can be referred as charm of these Thai desserts is the fragrant smell.

One of aromatic smell as symbolizes because Thai dessert is scented candle. Most of new generation may never see how look like is the scented candle, later they will know after they eaten or some maybe don’t know that the smell they say is fragrant is the smell of scented candle. So they eat deliciously that sweet taste without knowing the origin of that dessert by using scented candle. Nobody has recorded during the ancient time in written of what period did the Thai dessert originated, only knows that it is a long time ago using the Thai scented dessert, is the major such as Luk Chob, when after churn peanut it will scented before made into shape.

Making baked toddy palm sugar like ancient time is when the drop of toddy palm is in shape of the pot. Place the sweet by dozen to baked with scented candle etc. apart from the ancient days using scented candle for baking to have an aromatic smell. It also use for scented flour of Dok Sarapee too use for bathing. The dessert under the process of scented candle are in different kinds such as Lum Panne, Thong Ek, Klip Lumduan, Pui Pai, Somnas, Khao Du etc. like coconut milk spread around, Lud Chong, musk melon etc. all were under the process of scented candle.

Making Wax Roll

The procedure in making wax so far called as wax roll. Wax roll is the important skill for ancient Thai women, of course the procedure are different according to it period. During the old days they use beehive churn with wooden paddle in silver pan then filter to take only the wax in yellow liquid. Then spread with benzoin on the wax. Stir to mix together then leave on the sun to make it dry, make into sheet, put on the center. Then dig the candle in shape of millipede. Presently making scented candle still using wax from the northern part of Thailand. When after filling the wax mix it with paraffin or little artificial wax to avoid not to much liquid. At present the shape of scented candle is not millipede, just to bend into curve facing each other. The aromatic substance use to stir together with that wax, apart from benzoin several of Thai scented substance are use such as red granulated sugar, grinded chalot peel, pimsen, peel of kaffir finely slice, sandal oil etc. Baking candle dessert is mild in a technique of meticulously done. This technique is widely inherited since the ancient times. Ancient people will place the scented candle on the dish clay or small earthen cup. However these days it is place on small aluminum basin or maybe small silver cup.

Saturated candle started by putting fire on the scented candle place between the desserts on the bottle. When fire reach to the wax then put off the fire lift only the smoke. Then immediately open the bottle cap, leave for one night to have an aromatic, smooth Thai dessert. The basic procedure of baking candle should do carefully to avoid it black around the candle or will pull down or pull on the dessert. Therefore it necessary to baked the candle for the next time, it should advisable to especially aware about this matter. Because the candle used for the first time will have a number of black ashes stick on it. Firstly take it out, it is better to do it to avoid sorry at the end. That the sweet scented dessert will totally dirty.

The different scent all are supplementary that make Thai dessert have a sweet smell. Some kinds of dessert may use other smell instead of scented candle having the same procedure. Baking sweet using flower and scented candle leave for one night, you will have a fragrant scented candle and fragrant flower at the same time.

Baking dessert by Rose 

Rose use for baking should be the only kind of pink Mon rose. As can seen along the market selling plants. That at present pink Mon rose is merely seen and it have an expensive price. Therefore Thai dessert saturated with ranjuan of pink Mon rose is rare to find. Baking dessert with rose can do by picking up its leave of rose. Be careful in picking up to avoid the flower damages then spread into the dessert. Then close the seal and leave one night, of course you can assured than if rose flower use for baking is the real pink Mon rose flower.

Baking with Kradangga flower (vine plant with fragrant flower) 

It needs to expose kradangga flower on the fire of scented candle. Allowing the petal of the flower will rotten first. Then press the flower to scattered together, the smell will come out strongly. After the basic step then prepare the kradangga flower then put on the dessert to bake. Tightly close the seal leave for a night, putting fire on the kradangga flower is the source of slogan "kradangga lon fai (kradangga fall on fire).

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Good Definition of Thai Dessert

Thai dessert have sweet taste and aromatic smell from candle stick in beautiful shape cause by meticulously done, create that makes the food beautiful, nice to be eaten and good to be presented as gift from Thai dessert at different occasion. Most of the desserts are meaningful, that makes the giver and receiver have good deeds with good meaning as follows:

Promotion of Rank
Khanom Ja Mongkot to appreciate by giving this dessert with the word “ja” means chief and the word “ mongkot (crown) means the king or the highest people. Therefore Ja Mongkot means the highest chief the highest meaning plus making this kind of dessert is rather difficult using articulates technique, ja mongkot will be given only to the people of highly influential.
  • Kanom-Chan …..means highly progress
  • Khanom tuay fo ..means progress and development
  • Khanom thong ek means one forever life
  • Khanom tong plu ..means progress, well-known like thunder
  • Khanom luk chup …means lovely, anyone will love, most good for mature to young people
  • Khanom maprao kaew or glutinous glass means the precious glass
  • Khanom sa-ne-chan means with charm like the full moon
  • Khanom tan means to have a sweet and smooth life
Source: Office of the National Culture Commission 

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Thai Dessert for different occasion

.........…….Thai dessert has taking its part at different merit making since the past for Thai people making special desserts. Especially for merit making that means once in a year making that kind of dessert. Because making that dessert is too difficult and use encouragement from several people that joint together in making that dessert in a great volume. The rest of that dessert will be distributed to neighbors and keep themselves. These desserts can be called according to its occasion.

Caramel for Thai New Year... From the past Thais considered Songkran day was the New Year’s day before the government of Field Marshal Phibul Songkram declared 1st January is the New Year’s day under the international calender since B.E. 2484 (1941) until at present. Formerly the New Year celebrations declared on the same day and considered 13 April is the Thai New Year’s day falls between April 13 and 14 April is the day to be happy and 15 April is the beginning of New Era of little era following the solar eclipse. Making of Thai desserts at that time should be finished before the coming of New Year. Because the people had to do merit and these dessert will be offer to the monk and pagoda at the temple.

Songkran day or Thai New Year’s day was to bless water on the head that lasted to 7 days. Thai desserts was the native dessert made and can keep longer time like glutinious crystal or kaoniao kaew, kaoniao daeng and caramel. From the three desserts, grinding caramel was considered that Thais do it regularly every year and mostly do kaoniao kaew, kaoniao daeng but some have to alternate in making desserts. Because these two desserts were easily done, or else if any family wanted to make caramel otherwise they are a big family to grind the caramel, with numbers of relatives. Because making caramel needs a lot of people to stir. The atmosphere in making caramel were very enjoyable, everybody help each other to prepare about 2 days. Especially children the niece nephew which they were enjoy during these moment not only to eat caramel at the bottom of the pan. The children can also eat burned coconut, burned sugarcane. Stirring caramel used only palm sugar or sugar in the can, coconut and glutunious rice. Before string on day the neighbour choice the ripe coconut about 10-15 to press the coconut cream in different volume and depend its skilled of stirring whether the glutunious consist with of how many coconut were to used and how much the volume of sugar to be used. The first step were to soak the glutunious rice on the water to put on the stone pot. It should assured to use a strong person to help grinding the glutunious rice, grinding started from afternoon and finished about 3-4 evening of the same day.

Then place with flour in the grinding machine and let the water out until only become the flour. The elder should wake up early in the moning about three in the morning on the next day to help making the desserts, the lightning from the lamp and torch whill be lighted to allow the children see or heard the sound of elder’s talking and will also participated the gathering. Some will come to volunteer, helping to press the coconut in great number. Then press to have the cream and put jasmine flower on the water and strain, and separated the concentrated cream and diluted coconut cream. Put the concentrated coconut cream on the big pan, stir with paddle until it will separted each other then take out to put on the container.

The next step were to put the prepared flour on the basin add the diluted coconut cream add with palm sugar then mix together then put on the pan with lotus leaves were the iron pan of big size placed on the oven. Then put on the ground, then started to stir the caramel since nine o’clock . The first time flour still in fluid and it were easy to stir. This time children were happy and tried to ask the elder to help the punching. But at the same time also dig the pan to avoid not the flour stick on the bottom of the pan and make the flour sticky. Children should be careful not to separate and not foamy otherwise it will break out because when skin become foamy and break it hurt the skin. At this time the elder mostly do their self, some will set the fire strongly and some will make it steady. Until the colour of the flour change its colour to light brown then gradually dark brown. At this time the flour and sugar become sticky in first stage. Then stir more strongly and about 6 evening of that day the caramel become black and sticky that almost could not stir and need the second paddle to assist in stirring. Otherwise the pan will burn. If we the pan almost bur then gradually add concentrated coconut cream immediately. Gently pour it and about afternoon started to getting dark the caramel stir become enough sticky. Gradually lesser the fire to avoid the bottom of pan burn then use the second paddle spoon the caramel and put on flat basket covered with betel husk that makes the caramel aromatic smell than banana leaves as the last step of making caramel and keep for the next day. Most children could not help each other they gradually come to grate the caramel that stick on the pan to eat deliciously. Some ate young coconut, sugar and place on the fire to make it aromatic smells. At present the tradition in making new year desserts become caramel, glutinous rice sweetmeat with coconut milk and palm sugar, glutinous rice sweetmeat which is not famous at these day. Because most people will have to buy other present to other people on New Year’s day.

However these three desserts will never gone forever from Thai society becase everynowaday still seen caramel wrap in small black paper and seem delectable sold with glutinous rice sweetmeat, glutinous rice sweetmeat with coconut milk and palm sugar on Thai shop in general. Moreover these desserts is not only for specific at new year’s day of Thai only.

Sart Thai Festival

Sart Thai festival is a merit offering for the dead one. In the central region houses are getting together from the villages for the procession of Sart in merit making to pay for the Buddhist monk consist with beautiful half ripe banana. In the South the Sart festival or so far called in general as Sart Festival for Month 10, a big traditional festival for the year prepared by the provinces. Especially in Nakorn Srithammart it is highly prepared. The desserts for Sart festival for month 10 of the Southern are in various kinds such as khanom La, khanom Ba, khanom Dechum, khanom Pong, khanom kai pla, khanomko, khanom daeng etc.

Out of the Buddhist Lent or offering food to Buddhist priest
(Tak Bart Tevo) 

Khao Tom Mad or Khao Tom Phad is the best dessert offer during the Buddhist lent or offering food to Buddhist priest for the central. It will wrap and tight with banana leaves and banana string fiber. For the South it is wrapping in shape of cone using palm string fiber but not tighten. Some locality is in lump shape with baitoey or sugarcane leaves with long tail so far called as "khao tom lukyon," Preparing khao tom mad to offer for the Buddhist priest had become the tradition with aims as the food for Buddhist monk to travel to spread the religious teaching and that is the beginning then.

Auspicious Occasion

For various auspicious occasion of Thai like wedding, length of life merit making, entering new house, entering to monkhood etc. Thai dessert has the part for sweets prepared to offer to the Buddhist monk and sweet food to offer for the guest or visitors. Because of the belief that continuously inherits Thai dessert is a special food for the person of good deeds. Sweet will help enjoyment, friendship and love. Therefore it may refer for that society that Thai dessert is meaningful about good deeds, love, happiness and cooperation.

Offering Food to the Monk

The famous Thai dessert offer to the monk during auspicious occasion such as thong yip (sweet egg petals), thong yod (sweet egg drops), foi thong (sweet egg shred), thong ek. The desserts having auspicious name are khanom tuay fo, khanom chan etc. and dessert specially use for the procession of entering to buddhis monk, wedding ceremony are khanom kong, khanom samklua, khanom prapai, khanon prongsaem, khanom chamod etc. The dessert use for the thirteen chapters of the Maha Chat are khanom na nual, khanom chan, khanom pakbua, khanomping, khanom thong muan etc.

Wedding Ceremony 

Dessert use for different auspicious occasion has auspicious name with good meaning such as:

* khanom kong or khanom kong kiwian the meaning is the kong kiwian that will rotates in the front like Buddha's teaching with its meaning that define about the wedding is that the two couples love each other forever.
* Khanom sam klua a sweets that showing cooperation and no way to leave each other use as sweet for auspicious wedding day. The shape of khanom sam klua is in three rounds, greeting can see after telling the result, if the result that the three rounds still connected to each other it means the couples love each other happily. If the result that two rounds connected it shows to have children or nothing, however if the three rounds are not connected to each other. It shows that the life of the couples are not lasting or no happiness, one thing if the result that the khanom sam klua will risely flow it means that the two are mean to each other. But if after the result is the other side is not swollen it means that it is not meaningful.

The reason why Thai people at the ancient times use the above desserts during auspicious occasion. Because the names are meaningful with the word "thong (gold). Moreover Thai people considered that gold is precious, which in having the word "thong (gold) use for auspicious occasion to have good merit, have money and gold, rank, happiness, famous name.

Different Parties

……………….apart from making merit and auspicious occasion, during the ancient times, the new party for wealthy people and good merit government official, are invited by the community to eat the dessert. The dessert use to offer during this event is khanom si tuay namely: khanom khai kop or menglak seed, khanom nok ploi or lodchong, khanom bangloi or khao mao and khanom idu or black glutinous rice. The four desserts will be eaten with coconut milk so far called that the one deliciously eaten and comfortable for stomach, the one prepare will have the merit and the one who spend money to invited people are also happy for making merit of Thai dessert like the dessert for rising the rank.
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Thai Dessert History

Thai desserts are well known for their taste sensations which are as impressive as their appearance. Their appealing looks reflect the nature of the Thais who are neat and meticulous. Desserts have been among the favourites of the Thais for hundreds of years. Several kinds of them were mentioned in valuable works of Thai literature.

If you have ever visited Thailand, you may have had a chance to see some Thai desserts or khanom that are displayed for sale at many places, each kind with an attractive shape and bright colors. They are enticing, aren't they? The fact is that Thai desserts offer taste sensations as impressive as their appearances. Their appealing looks reflect the nature of the Thais who are meticulous. The Thais also relate khanom to many aspects of their lives.

Thai desserts are mostly made of coconut flesh, coconut cream and rice flour. Since most areas of the country have been used for farming purposes, natural ingredients for producing the desserts are plentiful and easily obtainable. That's the reason why a wide variety of sweets has been created. Khanom have been the favourites of the Thais for hundreds of years. Some types of Thai desserts were mentioned in Traiphum Phraruang, a literary work of the Sukhothai period (1238-1350). The popularity of eating khanom became widespread in the Ayutthaya period (1350-1767). Some historical records referred to talat khanom or dessert markets while some mentioned Ban Mo or pottery villages where earthen pots, pans, stoves and other equipment for making khanom were made.

The most important person in the history of Thai desserts was Marie Guimar, a foreign lady who introduced several exotic desserts to Siam. The lady was born of a Portuguese father and a Japanese mother in Siam in the reign of King Narai (1656-1688). Marie was given the Siamese title and name of Thao Thong Kipma. Her husband was Constantine Phaulkon, a Greek sailor who rose to the highest non-hereditary rank of Chao Phraya Wichayen. Marie's husband gained special favour and trust from King Narai, causing envy and concern among the native courtiers. Unfortunately, after the king fell seriously ill, Phaulkon was arrested and put to death while Marie herself was sent to jail. Marie's life remained miserable until the reign of King Thaisa (1709-1733), who recognized the worth and abilities of the lady and put her in charge of the royal household with as many as 2,000 women working under her. This provided her with an opportunity to teach women in the palace the art of cooking, especially several desserts from Portugal with yolk and sugar as main ingredients, such as thong yip, thong yot, foi thong, sankhaya and mo kaeng. All of these have remained favourite sweets among the Thais up to the presents.

In the old days, though khanom was considered just an addition to a meal that was not essential, its appearance on a dining table suggested the completeness and importance of the meal. In the reign of King Rama I (1782-1809), Prince Narinthonthewi, a brother of the King, wrote in his Memoirs about the celebration for the establishment of the Emerald Buddha Temple.

According to him, Buddhist monks numbering 2,000 were presented with several kinds of desserts like khao niao kaeo, i.e. sticky rice cooked in coconut cream and sugar, kluai chap, i.e. dried banana slices coated with sugar, and sangkhaya, i.e. egg custard. The taste sensations of khanom also impressed King Rama II (1809-1824) so much that he wrote a poem admiring the tantalising Thai foods and desserts of several sorts. The first Siamese cookery book was published in the reign of King Rama V (1868-1910). Part of the book gave the instructions for preparing desserts for offering to the Buddhist monks.

Thai desserts have played an important role on auspicious occasions and ceremonies. In the past, some types of khanom were prepared only once in a year on a special occasion. For example, khaoniao daeng and kalamae, both made of glutinous rice, coconut cream and sugar, were produced on the occasion of Songkran, the traditional Thai NewYear Festival falling on April 13. As it takes a lot of time and labour to make these desserts, especially in the kalamae-making process of stirring flour with other ingredients to a thick consistency, people living in the same village or district would come to help each other in preparing the desserts in a large amount. This was a good chance for them to develop their friendly relationship and strengthen unity among them. The desserts of unity then were taken by them to offer to the Buddhist monks at a temple.

However, this tradition has ceased to exist today. Clockwise from bottom left:Kraya sat, Khaoniao Kaeo,Khaoniao Daeng and Kalamae

The Thai Autumn Festival, falling on the last day of the 10th Thai lunar month, roughly corresponding to late September, is a tradition of the Indian culture brought to Siam by Indian priests and has survived to this day, even though the Thais do not have the autumn season. The heart of this custom is that the people make merit by taking the usual food, a small species of banana called kluai khai (egg bananas) and a special kind of sweetmeat called kraya sat to a nearby temple to be offered to the Buddhist monks.

Kraya sat is a mixture of shredded rice grains, popped rice, beans, sesame and coconut meat, ground into meal and boiled with sugar until it is very thick and forms into a sticky cake, then cut into portions. Thewo Alms Offering, an old tradition taking place on Ok Phansa Day. i.e. the first day after the end of Buddhist Lent (falling on the fullmoon day of the 11th lunar month), is held to celebrate the Lord Buddha's descent from heaven after having preached to his own mother there. In the early morning, hundreds of monks, lining up in files in the temple yard, receive milled rice, dried food and sweets from the attending people. The special food for this occasion is khao tom luk yon which is made of glutinous rice, coconut cream and sugar, and wrapped up in a palm leaf. The reason for making the dessert in this form is to facilitate the monks in carrying the sweetmeats with them when traveling to many regions in order to propagate the Buddhist doctrines.

On other propitious occasions on which the monks are invited to give prayers for blessing, the host usually entertains the monks and guests to a lunch. To complete the meal, some sweetmeats are served. The reason for the addition of the desserts derives from the Thai inherited belief the khanom is a special dish for meritorious people. Moreover, khanom is a sign of friendship and love.

The sorts of sweetmeat that are popularly prepared for the propitious occasions include those with the names of lucky meanings. For instance, the desserts have the names beginning with the world "thong" or gold, like thong yip, thong yot and thong ek. The Thais believe that gold will bring good luck to them. It symbolizes fame and wealth. Maphrao kaeo (glass) made of dried candied shredded coconut flesh has the meaning of the magic glass ball. Khanom tan (tan means sugar palm) which is made of the flesh and sugar from the palm, signifies a sweet and smooth life.

The desserts also make their appearance in a wedding banquet. In addition, in the past the Thais made a special kind of dessert called sam (three) kloe (friends), made of flour, mold in three small balls attached with each other and then fried in oil. It was a Thai belief that the shapes of sam kloe when heated could foretell the future marriage life of the newly weds. If the three balls still attached to each other, it signaled a happy marriage life. If one ball came apart while the other two still joined togerther, it meant that the couple would have no children. If all the three ball were separated from each other, this would be a bad sign for the bride and groom, indicating an unsuccessful marriage. In addition, if the sweetmeat did not expand when heated, it also suggested the same negative meaning.

In the old days, a Thai presented khanom to another as a token of gratitude or an expression of gladness for that person's success. The one who was promoted to a high rank would receive the gift of ja (chief) mongkut (crown), a kind of crown-like yellow sweetmeat mainly made of yolk and sugar. Because of the auspicious meaning of each word constituting its name, only very good or special persons deserved this kind of khanom.

There was a kind of sweetmeat that a senior often gave to a person of lower rank. It was luk chup, a sweetmeat in the shape of a model fruit made of pounded soya beans mixed with coconut flesh and sugar and coated with natural colors. The lovely shapes of this khanom suggested the tender care that the giver had for the receiver.As time passed, though some of these traditions and beliefs have been forgotten in Thai society, most kinds of desserts still exist. Their tantalising tastes always leave a lingering impression on the tongue of its taster. This is the significant reason why Thai desserts never die.There are arrays of Thai sweetmeats for sale at many places ranging from sidewalk stalls, markets and small shops to top department stores.

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Sugar and Thai Dessert

Sugar, this sweet is preserve for food:…….if mentioning about dessert whether Thai dessert or other nations, the first taste people in general thinks is about sweet taste. Especially Thai dessert having the slogan that it is sweet. Because of tasting about sweet taste in that Thai dessert ever since. If not to think to mention about the sweet, mostly or everybody think for the first time of course……everybody think "sugar."

All houses should of course have sugar, so far called as the basic ingredients for making raw food and sweet since the ancient times. Before Thai people have no granulated sugar just like these days, was use sugar from slice sweet from falling palm. This palm sugar is in various shape the name is derived from the container use such as if it is in the can it is called sugar in can, if it is in pot it is called sugar in pot, if only the top is in bulk something like elevated earth but biggest it is called ton sugar.

Later when sugar is in shape of scabs so far called as granulated sugar, then granulated sugar has been use as the major sugar at every houses. Granulated sugar is in two kinds, first one is red granulated sugar, because it is something like red, since it is not under the process of whitely purify. Most important it still have vitamin and mineral. For granulated sugar is already undergoes with purify so no vitamin and mineral left anymore, only pure carbohydrates. We called it white sugar. This granulated sugar is mostly use in preserving food. The process of food preservation using sugar, Thai people had widely used since then. The ancient ways of using is syrup and churn, the food to make, as syrup and churn that mostly like are varieties of fruits. The aim is to preserve the fruits not to be rotten to be eaten in the family or giving to relatives and neighbours to deliciously eaten. It should be considered that although at that time they did not learn the theory or technique in preserving food just like scientific way and modern technology. But the ancient people can preserve the food by easy method to keep the food stay longer.

Candied Sugar: 

Using sugar to preserve the food at present still widely applied. Especially for fruits and agricultural products to produce Thai dessert, sweet taste, and crispy and starchy. Using candied sugar or enamel use to preserve food to make the food stay longer and keep in long method is just to boiled the sugar to stick together then put the food to be preserve, with this method to have the candied food or good tasty food longer. The dessert undergoes with preservation in this of method are candied banana, candied cassava, candied taro, krongkring (small sweetmeat made of pellets flour boiled in coco milk and shaped like cockle shells), khai hia (sweetmeat), bird nest etc.


Is the other method that makes the dessert tasty until forget about the valid date of the food. Churn is to reduce the volume of water in the food is the best method. The food use to churn mostly are ripe fruits remains from eating fresh such as mango, banana, star gooseberry etc. all are agriculture products like, potato, peanut, taro, sticky rice etc. The method is not difficult just to spend time a little bit. Firstly the fruits of agriculture product need to churn, need to scramble to make the fruits depart each other. Then put on the golden pot put the fire lightly, use paddle to churn or continuously stir, to make the water saturated outside and to avoid the food stick on the pot. Then add sugar at that time, if the churn food needed to have a good taste. It depend to the grinded coconut or coconut milk, add small amount of salt. Stir until it become sticky then gradually pull down, leave it to cool, then put on the container with seal, the food under the churn process of another one is to churn the flower and coconut blend together with sugar (for best result use sugar in can) it will have a sweet taste you cannot deny, of course you ever eat with many people this sweet is called caramel.

Preserve in Sugar:

Is another way of food preservation in good taste and strange feeling. Preserve in sugar is to put the food on sugar. It will help the sugar out from the food and makes the microbe that makes the food rotten will not grow. At the same time sugar will absorb into the texture of the food. It add more sweet, the food preserve in sugar most people likes to eat especially for girls, no one can deny is fruits with sweet and sour such as mango, bale fruit, star gooseberry, tamarind etc. Preservation in sugar that makes the taste in sweet and sour because sweet will mix with the smell and sour, that sometimes you can forget sour taste. The fruit undergoes with preservation under this process apart it will have a delicious taste it also have a high price. To understand that preserve in sugar makes the food have high price is not a mistake. Because when it is fresh fruit the price is kilogram is just a few baht. But when it comes to preserve the price is merely high, just wait for a time and the fruit will have a sweet taste then sell to have a double price.

Pickled/or preserve in salt:

Is the same method like preserve in sugar. It only differs because it needs only a little sugar but mostly it added a lot of salt. So far it is called salt is the main ingredient secondly is sugar. Food preservation in other way, which is not using the sour fruits, should add the microbe essence. But for sour fruits like mango, star gooseberry, bale fruit etc. it is not necessary because it is salty and sour existed on behalf of fruit preserve in salt such as pickled star gooseberry, pickled mango, pickled guava, jujube, olive, tamarind etc.

Apart from the above mentioned process of preservation. Sugar can do many things especially eaten with dessert made in syrup and coconut cream added with ice. Mostly when it is eaten during hot season it makes us comfortable you cannot deny. Sugar use for syrup is the former granulated sugar. Boiled water with granulated sugar in appropriate ratio. If boiling to have a sweet taste like syrup something like clear to be eaten with sweet or fruits in sweet preserve made of sour fruit steeped in syrup and little salt (loi kaew) such as kraton (fruit tree) palm loi kaew, bale fruit jelly, jelly, sweetmeat made of edible bird nest, balsam apple in syrup, mango in syrup etc. or to be eaten with herbal drinks for health such as bai buabok (creeping herb) juice, bale fruit juice, baitoey (woody plant) juice, lemon grass etc.

But if to stir the sugar until it merely concentrated is to use ripe Thai dessert such as for at least make it as Foi thong (sweetmeat made of egg yolk). Syrup enough to boiled sweetmeat is merely boiled syrup until it will have big bubbles on the center. When putting the paddle it will merely sticky. If the syrup has more bubbles and more concentrated it is good for Thong Yip and if the syrup is more concentrated when it is boiling the pot has full of bubbles good for thong yod (sweetmeat made of eggyolk and sugar). Apart from this, syrup is also good for fruits and other agricultural products such as potato, taro, nut grass, banana (some kinds), squash etc. The dessert boils with syrup to preserve for eaten several days. Therefore cooking Thai dessert using syrup is another way of food preservation.

For coconut cream mostly use is sugar in can because it is aromatic smells and sweet like Thai style. It is referred that sugar in can is go together with coconut cream well. It is more suited when it is mix with scented candle; the taste is very delicious and sweet. Coconut cream is eaten with boiled taro, muskmelon, lod chong (sweetmeat made of noodles and coconut cream), black sticky rice, sweet basil seed etc.

Source:  Thaiconfection

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Fowl Play aka Best Sandwich Ever!

I love The Greenery in Ogden, Utah. It is my favorite place to eat when I visit my family. My mom and I always go there; it is our place to eat. It is in a beautiful setting at the mouth of the Ogden Canyon and is right on the Ogden River. I just love it. Plus, the food is incredible. I also always order their Mormon Muffins. I got that recipe from their site and it tastes just like theirs. This sandwich is what I always order when I go there. On my last visit, I got to looking at it and decided I could make it myself. So I did. And this is exactly it! I was so excited to be able to have this sandwich whenever I want. It is called Fowl Play on their menu, but I just call it the best sandwich ever. Because it is.

Fowl Play from The Greenery
3 or 4 slices Deli Turkey
1/4 or 1/2 of an avocado
Swiss or Mozzerella Cheese
1 toasted Sesame Seed bun

Place a small griddle or skillet on the stove and heat to medium. Place the bun on it dry to toast it. Meanwhile, fold each slice of turkey in half and place next to each other on a microwave safe plate. Place slices of cheese on top and microwave for about 45 seconds or until melted. Place bottom bun on a plate and top with meat and melted cheese. Add avocado, sliced. I use a half of one, but do what you like. Top with sprouts. I use alfalfa, but again, use what you like. Broccoli, etc. Top with the other bun half. That is it! You don't need mayo or any other sauce. The advocado does the job. You will love it, if you like advocado and sprouts. Don't be afraid of the sprouts! They kinda taste like lettuce, only better. Let me know what you think...

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Chao Kuai (Grass jelly) Cool and Heat In

In Thailand grass jelly is known as “Chao Kuai”, and is commonly served relatively plain together with ice and natural brown sugar. Additionally, it can also be served with fruits such as Jackfruit, the fruit of the toddy palm or mixed together with other Thai desserts.  This recipe I make it simple with crushed ice and syrup just for two you and I….hihihi…;P

  • 50 gms Grass Jelly
  • 50 gms Sugar
  • 200 ml Water
  • 50 gms Crushed Ice
  • Boil the water with the sugar until it is fully dissolved. Leave it to cool.
  • Cut the grass jelly into cubes or another forms and spoon in the serving bowl.
  • Add syrup and crushed ice over the grass jelly and serve cold.  
  • You can add more syrup if you like more sweet.
Read Grass Jelly benefit

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Five Ways To Chill

1. Creamy dark chocolate sorbet. It's dairy-free and vegan. Rich but not filling. Cool and dark as midnight jazz. A respite from the shimmer of summer heat. Spoon it into chilled glasses. Turn off the lights. Light a candle. Music: Melody Gardot

2. Quinoa salad with lime and fresh mint. Cook quinoa in a rice cooker and keep the kitchen cool. Toss with just squeezed lime juice, good olive oil and garden ripe tomatoes. Spike it with whatever your heart desires- scallions, red onion. Kick off your flip-flops. Music: Crowded House's new album Intriguer

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Nutter Butter

Life-saving Almond Cookies... it could happen!

The other day I was wandering aimlessly through the grocery store - one of those days where I couldn't seem to remember what the heck it was I needed to get, so I just walked up and down the aisles hoping to jog my memory. And before you recommend I make a list next time, I had. I forgot it. Yup, I was totally bringing by A-game that day.... But
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With a little help from my friends...

Carrying on a conversation is problematic for me when I'm baking, as inevitably I pay more to attention to one than the other, but I love having music playing when I'm working away in the kitchen. I don't think I'm alone in this, as this month's MacTweets challenge was Sing-a-Song macarons. Normally I think I would have chosen one of the songs on my favourite baking playlist - and some french
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Blueberry Smoothie- Veganluscious

Blueberry smoothie that is dairy free and vegan
Blueberry smoothie- dairy-free gluten-free chill.

Wilting from the heat? I've got a deep blue chill for you. Dairy-free. Easy as pie. Cool as a blueberry. I'm emancipating this recipe from the archive depths because it's just too luscious to get lost in 2007, never to be slurped again.

What does a brave and spunky vegan girl do when she is suddenly famished and her Crowded House whistling husband is scrambling up some free-range eggs and cheese for brunch? I'll tell what you do.

You reach for your power tools.

You haul out the Vita-Mix and thank your twinkling stars you have a bag of organic frozen blueberries in the freezer. You grab the carton of organic almond milk. You dip into the Nutribiotic vanilla rice protein powder. You smile slyly. You sprinkle in some stevia.

You switch the button to HIGH and sigh.

You froth with pleasure.

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Gluten-Free Almond Flour Cookies

A stack of gluten free almond cookies
Almond flour cookies with the nutty crunch of pecans.

Here I am again. Baking cookies. It's one way I cope with the world. Which, in case you haven't noticed, is totally moon bat crazy. So what do you do? The older I get the more I let go. And it's not just letting go of the obvious stuff, like that box of canceled checks from your first marriage or those hideous platform shoes you bought after seeing Saturday Night Fever. I'm letting go of things I once cherished. Stuff I used to believe. Opinions. The Right Way To Do Something. Why?

Because the older I get the less convinced I am that I know what is best. Sometimes it's hard to tell. I know from experience that the best laid plans can will often fail. And that sheer dumb luck can plop in your lap and splatter you with an unbidden opportunity. I've lived long enough to see the truth in my favorite line from Little Big Man. Sometimes the magic works, sometimes it doesn't. So I don't grasp anything too tightly anymore.

Which brings me to Cheez Doodles and why you need to let go.

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