

Beef + Mushroom Stuffed Acorn Squash

A hearty stuffed acorn squash recipe- comfort food for omnivores.

Yours truly has been stewing. Not in the culinary sense, Darling. I've been stewing about Sting, and how disappointed I am with the latest news (and Oy, the photo of him ducking his head, cringing in the back seat outside the brothel) about him canoodling (okay, maybe he didn't actually canoodle-- maybe he innocently indulged in some very chaste lap dances in a post-concert-suffering-from-exhaustion kinda way) at the exclusive brothel-slash-strip club Relax in Hamburg, Germany, while sans wife Trudie and his six children.


I know I'm a little old-school on the whole marriage fidelity thing. I admit. I'm old fashioned. If you can't keep it in your pants, Buster, why on Earth bother to marry? Go have fun. Who's stopping you? And, yes, even while I'm snug in my oh-so-quaint monogamy I am well aware that many celebrity marriages are, shall we say, open arrangements (if not totally a sham-- arranged strictly for PR to hide a secret life and keep the action hero millions flowing in). But I have to ask. Exactly what brilliant meta message in a bottle does this send to your three beautiful daughters, Gordon?

Oh well. I'm trying not to judge. Maybe Trudie's fine with it. Maybe she just got tired of all that tantric sex Sting blathered about in the press while their daughters were in middle school.

Meanwhile I may have to edit my driving playlist. I mean, there I was, driving to Santa Fe with my muffin-baking dish-washing stripper-free husband (which means two hours in the car, there and back) to buy acorn squash, grass fed organic beef, roses and wine for our guests and every other song blasting over the audio system- it seemed- was a Police or a Sting song.

I spent half the time in the car reaching over to push the next button.

Man, said my ho-free husband, You're tough. So are you ever going to listen to him again?

The neo-feminist warrior mother goddess stirred inside.

Done with Sting, I answered.

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