

Guest Post: Sweet Tea & Porch Swings

I love guest bloggers! I have Megan here from Sweet Tea and Porch Swings with a great summer recipe. Be sure you all go visit her and tell her I said "hey". Enjoy this southern treat and have a great weekend!

I think I’ll start out with a very big thank you to Mandy for inviting me to do this. This is my very first guest post so I am super excited and also super nervous and truth be told kind of at a loss as to what to write. But in true chatterbox fashion (according to my Mom I’ve never met a stranger) I’m just going to pretend I’ve known you my whole life and start talking.
 I started Sweet Tea and Porch Swings back in April of 2009 about a year after I married my gorgeous husband Baby Cakes, (aka Michael). Being a Newlywed and able to play house (only permanently this time) I wanted to make sure my hubby was well fed so I began collecting recipes and then cooking most of them. But what happens next? They are just forever forgotten about? So I began noting on the recipe itself the date I served it, any changes I made and what people thought about it. As you can imagine I had loose recipes floating around everywhere in drawers, on top of the fridge, stuck between pages of actual cookbooks, and I am a neat freak, that wasn’t working. And then one day running a search I came across a blog and thought that it would be fun and significantly tidier to have one of my own so Sweet Tea was born.
 If you’ve ever been over to visit at my blog you’ll notice that a majority of the food you’ll find there are of a simpler fare. I am a down home simple recipe kind of girl. I share the recipes I was fed growing up or recipes that I would feed my own family. Nothing stuffy, nothing pretentious, think more along the lines of potluck foods, church socials and casual dinner parties. Oh and a few wild game recipes because Baby Cakes is an avid hunter and because it’s something that we regularly eat, and I know we’re not the only ones.
 So keeping with down home family recipes, today I am sharing a simple peach cobbler recipe adapted from two separate recipes given to me by Baby Cakes’ Mom, my Mother in Law…

Easy Peach Cobbler
2-3 large cans sliced peaches in juice, drained
1 stick of butter
1 cup sugar 
1 cup flour, sifted 
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk
 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
 Preheat the oven to 350.
Put the stick of butter into a 12x9 baking dish and let it melt in the oven while the oven is preheating.
 Meanwhile in a large bowl mix the sugar, flour, baking powder, salt, milk and vanilla together.
 Carefully pull the baking dish with the melted butter out of the oven and pour batter over the melted butter, do not stir. 
Place peaches on top of batter and again do not stir. 
 Bake 45 minutes or until gold and bubbly.
 Serve along with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Thanks again to Mandy for letting me share this easy and delicious recipe here on Mandy’s Recipe Box.

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