

Top Ten Gluten-Free Recipes on Gluten-Free Goddess®

Best Gluten-Free Recipes from the Gluten Free Goddess blog
Reader's faves: the top gluten-free recipes on Gluten-Free Goddess blog.

As the first decade of the new millennium chugs to a long slow finish like the spunky little engine that could, top ten lists are sprouting up everywhere. Top ten movies, top ten playlists. Which begs the burning question for celiac survivors. Hello! Where is our own gluten-free top ten list? Where is our shining and sparkly Top Ten Gluten-Free Goodness? It's a new year. A spanking new decade. Let's party.

So without further ado, here is my own humble contribution to the Best of the Best in the expanding gluten-free recipe universe.

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A Bevy of Gluten-Free: Fruit and Vegetables

Photograph of fresh fruits and vegetables at the farmers market in Santa Monica
Jewels at the farmers' market -- naturally gluten-free.

Walking the Santa Monica Farmers' Market beneath dove gray December skies I fell in love with the quiet beauty of seasonal fruits and vegetables protected under netting. There is something so poetic, so archetypal about it. So shy and evocative. Seductive and beckoning. So downright bridal. So understated gorgeous. So rather than waxing all Emily Dickinson on ya and conjuring words for the experience I thought I might use my camera instead.

And let my pictures do the talking.

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Chocolate Quinoa Brownies- Gluten-Free and Vegan

These gluten free chocolate brownies are vegan and egg free
Vegan gluten-free brownies made with quinoa flakes.

Your stubborn and chocolate obsessed gluten-free goddess has been working overtime. In between shooting photographs of the holiday lights and skaters in Santa Monica and battling the return of the flu I fought off some weeks ago (I believe in recycling, Darling, but this is a wee bit ridiculous) I have been utterly possessed. Haunted by the ghost of chocolate brownies. Vegan chocolate brownies, to be exact (because I've already served up the best egg-based gluten-free brownie I can think of, so if you haven't tried my Dark Chocolate Brownie recipe or the Chocolate Brownie made with pecan meal, Darling- Go!).

Baking failures do not sit pretty with yours truly. Especially when I am achy and voiceless and my head feels like a giant damp wad of gluten-free dough with too much xanthan gum added (you gluten-free bakers know exactly what I'm talking about). I feel like the goddess of sticky, thick and dull. And there ain't no cure. Except maybe a hot toddy. Or three.

Lucky for me I have a husband who likes to bake. A husband who says (as his brittle, grumpy hot-flashing wife is muttering expletives and scraping another gooey not-in-a-good-way gluten-free vegan brownie failure into the perky polka dotted trash can), So.

How can we make this work?

For a split second I panic and think, He's over it. He's finally tired of living gluten-free. Living without baguettes and bagels and croissants out of love, a sense of duty, or comradeship and support.

He's done. Finished. He's out the door, no looking back.

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Happy Winter Solstice!

Tree Stars

Wishing you and your family 
the warmest of winter greetings 
for a safe, healthy and beautiful holiday season.



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Jewels at the Santa Monica Farmers Market

Gorgeous fresh picked carrots in a rainbow of colors.

This week at the Santa Monica Farmers' Market the jewels of the season glow. Among my favorites? The rainbow carrots in orange, ruby, purple and gold. Some roots were so young they were the tiniest of crooked fingers, delicate and naturally sweet. These carrots make wonderful crudities for hummus.

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Roasted Red Pepper Hummus Recipe

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus - Vegan + Gluten-Free
Red pepper hummus - a fab gluten-free vegan snack.

Get your hummus on. It's party time! The holiday season is upon us and that means it's time to whip up your favorite hummus and dip recipes. After all, the days are still getting shorter (my personal excuse for partying). And Winter Solstice- also known as the shortest, darkest day of the year- is only days away.

Then it's here comes the sun, Baby. So. Huzzah! Let's celebrate. To help in such a worthy cause, here's one of our favorite hummus recipes.

Let the sun shine in.

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus Recipe

Forget store bought hummus that's been sitting in the deli case for weeks. It's laden with soybean oil. Or worse. And hummus is such an easy treat to make at home- especially if you have a food processor. Five minutes prep- and you're ready to rock.


1 16-oz. (or 14-15-ounce) can chilled chickpeas or garbanzo beans, drained
Juice of one fresh lemon
2 tablespoons sesame tahini, sunflower seed or nut butter
4 cloves fresh garlic, peeled
1/3 cup roasted red peppers (if using jarred, drain the peppers)
3 tablespoons tasty extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons fresh parsley or basil, roughly chopped
Pinch of sea salt, to taste


Combine all of the ingredients in a food processor until creamy smooth.

Taste test and adjust the olive oil and seasoning to your liking. Cover and chill until serving.

Fab with fresh organic veggies, rice crackers, or organic blue corn chips. Or serve with my gluten-free easy Brown Rice Tortilla Chips, Buttermilk Flat Bread, or Savory Grain-free Crackers.

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Karina's Note:

This naturally gluten-free hummus is also fab as a side dish with a plate of roasted vegetables and brown rice. It's a perfect way to add a complementary protein to a vegan meal.

More (Gluten-Free and Fabulous) Hummus Recipes To Dip Your Chip In

and last but by no means least...

It looks molto yummy and me, I'm thinking, why not puree it into a party dip?

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Thumbprint Cookies with Buckwheat Flour + Brown Sugar

Gluten-free thumbprint cookies made with buckwheat flour + brown sugar.

'Tis the season for baking cookies. So I feel no guilt at all tempting you with my latest gluten-free baking success. What kind of gluten-free goddess would I be if I didn't keep conjuring up cookie recipes? I ask you. Not a goddess worth her salt- er- sugar. So I am not going to apologize for the calories, or the fat or the organic golden brown sugar in this recipe. Goddesses do not apologize for their cookies. Not during cookie season, anyway. And besides, Sweetcakes, a treat should be a treat. Life is short. Daylight is dwindling.

Live a little.

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Gluten-Free Chicken Soup for Body and Soul

Gluten-free chicken soup for body and soul
A gluten-free chicken soup to cure all ills...

Gluten-Free Chicken Soup for Body and Soul

We've been living on soup since Sunday. No, not turkey leftovers soup. Jewish penicillin soup. You see, Steve- that ordinarily upbeat and tenacious husband of mine- has been feeling a tad under the weather these past few days. In truth, more than a tad. He's caught a nasty cold. The kind of cold where you ache all over and do nothing but lay in bed watching a marathon of Lost on your laptop because to even zombie-walk to the sofa loveseat too-small-to-lay-on requires functional navigation skills and balance beyond your sinus-throbbing capacity.

Poor guy.

Lucky for me, I've not succumbed to the zombie-walk inducing bug. Yet. And just in case, I've been cranking out soups. An ounce of prevention and all that. And medicine. Because when I'm not in top gluten-free goddess form conserving energy means dragging out the Crock Pot for some easy slow-cooked comfort.

This is a simple healing soup with the goodness of cabbage (so beneficial to a celiac's tummy) and lots of garlic (an all-purpose fighter of evil and undead mayhem not to mention, a natural immune booster and cold-fighter). Green chiles.

I made this recipe like a peasant-style stew, starting with a layer of split chicken breasts on the bottom of the crock pot- drizzled with extra virgin olive oil, of course. Then I added eight cloves of fresh chopped garlic, lots of cut-up veggies, herbs, a can of fire roasted diced tomatoes, green chiles, and just enough organic chicken broth to cover the veggies. Good stuff.

But is my chicken soup powerful enough to stave off zombies?

Ah, that is the question. And here is another. I ask you (in honor of my zombie literate son who knows from zombies).

Please. Do zombies run? Go.

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Gluten-Free Pumpkin Scones with Maple Nutmeg Icing

Gluten-free pumpkin scones with maple icing are tender and delicious with tea
Gluten-free pumpkin scones with maple nutmeg icing.

Take a deep breath. Stop. Sit. I understand. I get it. And I know what you're craving. Because I'm craving it, too. After all the pre-Thanksgiving hubbub, after scouring the Internet for gluten-free recipes, after all the planning, the lists, the shopping at six different markets because one store never has everything you need (that would be too simple), the label reading, the patience (dug from somewhere deep and zen and maybe even vaguely transpersonal) to explain (again) why scraping the pumpkin filling off a wheat pie crust does not a gluten-free dessert make, what you crave (besides alone time with a freshly cracked book and your favorite mug filled to the brim with your beverage of choice) is something indulgent.

But not overly indulgent.


But not too sweet.

Something warm and tender, and laced with all of the holiday spices you've been shaking and dashing and pinching with abandon.

Something using up that leftover half cup of pumpkin sitting in the fridge.

Something for breakfast, perhaps. Or a mid-morning treat that is light and tasty but also comforting, in a warm-from-the-oven homey best friend hug kind of way.

Are you with me? Are ya feelin' me?

Then let's get sconed.

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Roasted Acorn Squash Risotto

Acorn squash risotto recipe that is vegan and gluten free
A delicious acorn squash risotto that is vegan and gluten-free.

Looking for a perfect fall side dish? Or a vegetarian knock-your-socks-off bowl of creamy goodness? Risotto might fit the bill. This is one of my all-time recipe favorites. In fact, it was the first dish I turned to eight years ago when I discovered I had to live gluten-free.

Way back then (insert hazy slow-mo flashback) I would add freshly grated Parmesan to the cooked risotto. Shaved Reggiano, to be exact. But these casein-free dairy-free days I enjoy this risotto strictly vegan. No cheese. And guess what? I don't feel deprived. Seriously. The flavors hold their own without the whole moo cow cheesy thing.

In fact, this risotto is so creamy-good and comforting I only think one thing as I taste bite after velvety bite: How could anything so simple taste so unbelievably good? Well, that, and, Who the heck needs cheese or butter, anyway?

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Delicious Gluten-Free Bread Recipe - dairy-free and rice-free, too

Delicious Gluten-Free Bread Recipe - dairy-free and rice-free, too
My best gluten-free bread recipe. Note: The loaf pictured has eggs.

Man shall not live by bread alone, so the famous saying goes. In other words, we need ideas to feed us, too. We need awareness. Conscious action. An expression and celebration of the spirit.

And yet (here's the sticky part, folks) almost every spiritual tradition includes the bread we shall not solely live by, whether it be a hand-torn loaf, a paper thin wafer, a piece of matzoh, a curve of naan, or a sprinkle of cornmeal. Breaking bread and sharing grain is a cherished and beloved symbol for community, celebration and tribal nourishment. From Holy Communion to the Super Bowl gatherings around an elevating principle or a family milestone (from birth to marriage to funerals) include the simple but connecting gesture of sharing food.

Because cooking makes us human.

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Gluten-Free Sweet Potato Pie - Easy Recipe

Gluten free sweet potato pie that is dairy free and vegan
Gluten-free sweet potato pie- and vegan, too.

The afternoon sun is spinning the seaside air that particular autumn gold, burnished and warm and chilly all at once. Delicious. And gone too soon. The sun will officially set tonight at 4:50. I feel as if I am running out of time. There is so much I want to do- and never get done. I surrender my expectations day after day. The pile of choices snipped free by my dwindling energy is gathering a bulk and momentum akin to the dirty laundry (I’m still waiting for the post-menopausal zest promised by Margaret Mead).

But Santa Monica does not fade after dark. Her charms only deepen. So we walk after dinner to the Third Street Promenade and listen to the brave souls who risk their ego and their artistry (the unkind among us might quip, questionable talent) crooning songs or plucking violins or juggling. Palm readers and skateboarding bulldogs aside, it takes guts to stand in public and offer up a tune or a dance.

I come home inspired.

I am thinking a lot about my life these days. And what I want to do with the rest of it. Moving here is a new beginning (well, yeah, obviously). I am reinventing the woman I used to be. Spinning my own autumn magic from bits of bone and history.

I am not sure yet where I am headed. Or what will snag my interest. I am not sure what I will paint. Or write about. Maybe I should write a script. Or a book. About a woman. Someone I used to know (or thought I did). I look back into the past and wonder, did I invent her- cobbling disparate pieces of memory and duty and dreams? She is like a stranger to me now. Like a character in a movie I once saw. You know, that actress?

I can't remember her name.

It's not easy to determine these things, to peel back the past and keep only what is true.

There is a lot that no longer fits.

There are skins that itch to be shed. Old habits that are losing their velvet grip. Patterns and assumptions that chafe and seem downright absurd. Even comical now.

And then, there is suddenly so much space, so much sea and sky.

The burned and smoldering barn has been raked and sifted, the ashes buried or flipped into the desert wind. This bare-armed back slide of adolescence in reverse evokes the sensation of free falling back into girlhood. Like that first solo bike ride after a stifling family dinner when you finally wiggled away and peddled down the driveway past the porches past the neighborhood into the indigo evening air, unsure of the territory, grip strong, clean faced, exhilarated, with no map in your pocket but your belief in possibility.

Easy Gluten-Free Sweet Potato Pie #glutenfree
A slice of sweet potato pie and a fresh, hot cup of coffee. Bliss.

Easy, Gluten-Free Sweet Potato Pie Recipe

Originally published November 2009.

 I made this melt-in-your-mouth pie in my new green apple Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer, using the whisk attachment. It whipped up the pudding-like filling in no time flat. I let it beat for maybe 4 minutes. Have I mentioned my favorite aspect of this retro-glorious beast? Beating ingredients with two hands free. How have I baked gluten-free without one? I love it.


1 15-oz can sweet potato puree (or 2 cups fresh cooked sweet potato, mashed)
3/4 cup organic brown sugar, packed
2 tablespoons pure maple syrup
1/4 cup GF buckwheat flour or certified gluten-free oat flour
1/4 cup sorghum flour
2 tablespoons tapioca starch
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon xanthan gum
1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
2 tablespoons light olive oil
1 tablespoon Ener-G egg replacer whisked with 4 tablespoons warm water till frothy (or 2 eggs)
1 cup vanilla hemp milk, coconut milk or almond milk
1 tablespoon bourbon vanilla extract


Preheat the oven to 375ºF. Lightly oil a 9-inch glass pie plate.

Combine the ingredients in a mixing bowl. Beat until the filling is smooth and creamy. Stop and scrape the sides of the bowl, if necessary to incorporate all of the dry ingredients.

Pour into the prepared pie plate and smooth evenly. Bake in the center of a preheated oven for 45 minutes. Lower the temperature to 350 degrees F and continue to bake for an additional 15 to 20 minutes until done. My pie took close to 70 minutes to bake.

The pie should be firm- but still give a little when lightly touched. The center should not be wet. It will fall a bit as it cools, and may even sport some cracks around the edge, like my Flourless Chocolate Cake recipe.

Cool the pie on a wire rack completely. Cover and chill in the refrigerator until serving. Chill at least four hours for best taste and texture. Chilling the pie overnight is even better.

Serve cold or slightly chilled. Sprinkle with toasted chopped pecans, if you like. Or try it with a scoop of coconut milk ice cream.

Cook time: 70 min

Yield: 8 servings

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Karina's Note:

If you don't have sweet potato, try canned pumpkin or squash in this recipe. Both work extremely well.

Crave whipped cream? Look for a gluten-free non-dairy coconut milk, soy or rice based whip in the dairy section.


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Top Links on Gluten-Free Goddess

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Gluten-Free Apple & Pear Crisp

Easy gluten-free apple crisp
Easier than pie, a crisp makes a lovely gluten-free dessert.

Sweet, crisp apples and tender pears are sprinkled with a cinnamon and brown sugar crumble and baked to melt-in-your mouth perfection. This simple gluten-free dessert- worthy of excavation from the Gluten-Free Goddess® archives- evokes old fashioned autumnal comfort at its coziest.

Using a gluten-free pancake and baking mix- such as Pamela's Baking and Pancake Mix- makes this treat easy as pie easier than pie to toss together. Celebrate fall and winter with this classic homey dessert.

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Khao nieow na neua foi

This sweet shredded Beef with sticky rice or "Khao nieow na neua foi" in Thai. This beef is sweet, shredded beef fillet and is a good contrast to balance spicy food.

  • 1 kg. Beef Tenderloin
  • 4-5 shallots
  • 1 cup palm sugar
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/3 cup thin soy sauce
  • 6 cups water
  • 2 cups vegetable oil for deep fry
  • Pour water in a pot, bring to boil on medium high heat, wash beef, put it into a pot, reduce heat to low and simmer for 2 hours or until beef is getting tender.
  • Peel shallots, wash dirt, pat dry and thinly slice.
  • Heat ½ cup of oil in a wok on medium heat.
  • When oil is hot, add sliced shallot, fry until fragrant and crisp, drain on paper towel.
  • When beef is tender, place on a plate and let it cool.
  • When beef is cool, tear beef into narrow strip.
  • Heat remaining oil in a wok on medium low heat.
  • When oil is hot, add shredded beef in a pan, fry until crisp, drain on paper towel.
  • Fry remaining until all done.
  • Heat ¼ cup of water in a wok on medium heat.
  • When boiled, add palm sugar and sugar, stir until dissolve.
  • Add thin soy sauce, stir well, simmer for a while until sauce is thicker, add fried shredded beef, stir thoroughly, then add fried shallot.
  • Stir thoroughly, remove from heat, place on a plate and serve with Streamed Glutinous Rice.
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    Gluten-Free Pumpkin Waffles

    Gluten-free pumpkin waffles with maple syrup.

    I haven't been baking much in our dorm-sized sublet. The Barbie scaled toy that pretends it's an oven (my lasagna pan- never mind my cookie sheets- won't fit) is totally, weirdly cattywampus. Pie plates slide to the rear and flip backwards like pancakes. And trying to fetch potatoes that have rolled off the back of the rack is often a futile act proving hazardous to your fingertips. I'm a slow learner. I burned myself twice. But I'm still smiling. For two reasons.

    1. We found an apartment we love. I can walk to the beach. And the Santa Monica Farmers Market. And the Third Street theaters and shops and bookstore and cafes. Walk! As in, no car necessary. There isn't room to set up a painting studio (space is but a luxury so close to the beach) but. There is a brand new kitchen. With a shiny spankin' new stove. Virgin territory. Untouched by heinous proteins. This will be my first gluten-free kitchen, ever. We move in November first.
    2. Then there is Tuesday. The premiere of The Canyon at Grauman's Chinese Theater. The first time we will see Steve's script on the silver screen. Larger than life. Edited to the director's vision. Am I excited? Of course. Am I nervous? Affirmative. Will it be the movie we dreamed of? Maybe it will and maybe it won't. The one thing I know for sure about movies is that film making is a magical, unpredictable process.

    I read my husband's scripts with intricate emotions threaded with awe. It takes guts to start over- at any age. Following your dream (especially at mid-life) isn’t some gauzy pie in the sky back-lit experience. Magical thinking has no place in it. Or faith. It’s more about toughness and tenacity. And even that sounds too romantic.

    The thing about big dreams is you have to get real. You have to face down your fear. You have to shed outworn habits and assumptions. You have to decide what is worth doing. And do it. And work at it. And work some more. This entails risk. On all kinds of levels.

    A successful painter who made his living as an artist for two decades, Steve started reading screenplays and flirted with the idea of writing a script. But the thing is, it's rare to make a living as a painter- ninety-nine percent of painters never earn more than the cost of materials. And here he was, paying the mortgage with his art. The pressure he felt was to keep at it, keep painting, keep the momentum. Because everybody knows, once you got it you don't screw with momentum.

    But then he had a dream.

    In his dream a little boy (wearing the same striped shirt he wore as a child) handed Steve a silver key. The key opened a treasure box containing words on paper. It doesn't get any more Jungian than that. I knew then painting wasn’t enough for him. I knew then he had to write. What the soul needs is a mysterious thing. And so it goes. I bought him script software as a gift. That was twelve years ago.

    He writes now daily. I line edit late drafts. I help with research. I examine female characters and dialogue with a woman’s perspective. We talk about structure, subtext and reveals over bowls of butternut soup. An odd synchronicity is afoot. I used to live in Hollywood- many, many moons ago. I did a little production work and continuity on independent film projects. I tried on the role of script girl. I loved it. But I didn’t possess the drive to stick with it. I didn’t have a true sense of self in my twenties, you see. I couldn’t hear my own voice. I didn't feel authentic. And so I left. I moved back to the east coast of my childhood. And lived another life.

    Decades later, here I sit. In a Santa Monica apartment. Sipping yerba mate and reading over script changes on Steve's newest project, Killer Smile. I am hearing an Irish lilt in my head, picturing scenes that will soon spark to life thanks to producers, a director and cinematographer, casting director, actors, costume designer, wardrobe supervisor, art director, set decorator, location scout, sound engineers, camera assistants, focus pullers, boom operators, stunt men and women, grips, gaffer, a special effects team, composer, music supervisor, film editor, production managers and caterers. It all starts with words on paper.

    And a willingness to screw with momentum.

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    Nam Maprow On

    Coconut Juice or Nam Maprow On. This cold coconut juice on a hot summer day is so refreshing. The young coconut is green outside and have soft white coconut inside. After you drink the juice, the bonus is the young coconut meat inside. In Thailand, pregnant moms are encouraged to drink young coconut juice to make their baby's skin be soft and beautiful.


    Use a big cleaver (use a meat cleaver, not a vegetable cleaver) to make a 'v' mark on the top. Pull it open and stick a straw in opening. After you enjoy the juice, split the whole coconut open and scoop out the white coconut. Use a spoon to scoop out the coconut. If you are having difficutly scoopying it out with just a spoon, your coconut is probably too old. A good one should have a consistency of a mazzarella.

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    Pineapple Juice

    Pineapple Juice is the sweet juice extracted from pineapples. It is sold unsweetened and sweetened in cans or bottles and as frozen concentrate, and used in many drink recipes, from ordinary mixed drinks to high proof punches.

    • 1 Whole Cleaned And Skinless Pineapple
    • 1 Cup Of Crushed Ice (Optional Garnish)
    • 1 Large Fresh Mint Sprig (Optional Garnish)


    • To create this fresh and delicious juice recipe, please take out your juicing machine.
    • I like to check that the machine is clean and sterile before using it, as it can collect dust while in storage.
    • Next you will need to thoroughly clean and rinse your pineapple under cool running tap water.
    • Moving forward, next trim the skin off of the pineapple, and then proceed to remove the hard core at it's center.
    • Finally you will need to place a tall glass under the juice machine spout.
    • Next cut your pineapple into pieces that can fit into your juicer, and then turn the machine on and begin feeding each piece into it one by one.
    • Depending on the moisture content and freshness of your pineapple, they will generally yield juice equal to about 10% of their overall size.
    • Pure pineapple juice can be really sweet, so you may want to garnish it with a cup of crushed iced, which will dilute it's sweetness slightly.
    • Decorate your glass with an optional fresh mint sprig.
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        Organic Homemade Soy Milk

        Vegans and people who are lactose intolerant appreciate soy milk as a dairy-free substitute in milkshakes, puddings, soups, and creamy sauces. Soy milk contains fiber; it's a good source of protein, low in saturated fat and cholesterol-free. Nowadays, it is very easy to make at home. With 3 cups of soy beans, we can make about 1 gallon of soy milk.

        Well you can buy sweetened soya milk in packets, but it's quite easy to make your own if you have yellow soya beans. I've photographed the milk sitting on dried soya beans, but if you can get fresh yellow or even green soya these both work well.

        • 100 gms Soya Beans
        • 500 ml Water
        • 70 Sugar
        • Rinse the soya beans to clean them. If the beans are dried, soak them overnight to soften them.
        • Blend the soya beans with water and sieve the mixture in a fine cloth sieve to remove the skin and pulp, leaving yourself with a white liquid.
        • Heat in a pan with soya and the sugar until boiling then simmer for 10 minutes.
        • Serve chilled.
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          Papaya smoothy drinks

          Papaya smoothy drinks are easy to make, but it does need a little sugar syrup to sweeten it, otherwise it can taste like a health drink.

          • 200 gms Fully Ripe Papaya or a Tin of Papaya
          • 200 gms Sugar Syrup
          • 100 gms Crushed Ice
          • I prefer to use a canned papaya for this, the fruit is already soaking in syrup and the syrup has it's flavour.
          • Chop the papaya into pieces, and the syrup from the can, and wizz in a blender until smooth.
          • Crush the ice, and pour the drink over the ice.
          Search for smoothy recipes
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            Bua Loy Nam Khing (Sweet Ginger Soup)

            Sweet Ginger Soup or Bua loy Nam Khing is another cup of dessert contained in the Vietnamese menu. Eat a dessert made much easier. How to do but is not difficult to do elegantly. The Bua loy have much spare flesh soft, sticky ginger water must taste sweet aroma from the thresh flour out how to gradually enter the water gradually into the flour. Bualoy in Ginger Soup is delicious to eat fresh ginger in water Bualoy palatable. Water is light brown to clear. The color of brown sugar taste is not sweet aroma of ginger held together with sugar, a little spicy flavor.

            • 500 g of soybean
            • 12 cups of water
            • 2 tbsp of Calcium Sulfate
            • 4 tbsp of tapioca flour
            • 1 kg of old ginger
            1. Soak soybean in hot water about 1-3 hours or until it inflate.
            2. Take all crust and clean soybean.
            3. Blend soybean, while blend add water little by little. Then filter with white and thin fabric.
            4. Put soymilk on fire, always stir it. If boil put it down from fire.
            5. Burn calcium sulfate then pestle it. Sift it one time before use.
            6. Mix tapioca flour with calcium sulfate and water 1/4 cup to pot which you let soymilk hard.
            7. Strongly pour soymilk to pot (ingredient no.6) and do not stir it. Let it hard without move or shake.
            PREPARATIONS for making ginger soup
            Clean ginger and pound it lightly, add it to water and boil it.

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