

Pheuak Kaeng Buat (Taro in Coconut Cream)

Taro in Coconut Cream or know as a "Pheuak Kaeng Buat" in Thai. Taro is also used as a starch base for a wide range of desserts and sweet treats. It makes a rich, smooth, and creamy custard with eggs, coconut milk, and palm sugar. For an easy dessert, simmer half-inch cubes of taro in coconut milk sweetened with sugar and flavor-enhanced with a small amount of salt. This makes another quick comfort food to warm those cool spring evenings.

  • Wash the taro well, dry with towel.
  • Peel off the skin, cut into bite-size pieces.
  • Put the coconut milk in a pot, and bring to the boil over medium heat Add taro and boil until cooked through.
  • Add sugar plum and salt, and continue boiling until the sugar is dissolved.
  • When the mixture returns to the boil once again, add the coconut cream.
  • Boil until heated through, remove from heat.

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    Woon Sungkaya (Jelly with Sungkaya Topping)

    Jelly with Sungkaya Topping (Woon Sungkaya) A popular and simple Thai style jelly topping with eggs and palm sugar is like coconut cream Jelly. The difference is that eggs and palm sugar are added in the former dessert. Eggs and palm sugar give brown colour and some more nutritive value.

    • 1 pack (50gram) agar-agar powder
    • 16 cups water
    • 8 cups sugar
    • 20 pandanus leaves
    • Mix the agar-agar and water.
    • Bring to boil until the agar-agar dissolves.
    • Add sugar and pandanus leaves. Boil for a while.
    • Remove from heat and strain. Set 2 cups of the mixture aside.
    • Boil the strained mixture again.
    • Add topping. Stir well.
    • Pour into the molds.
    • Leave to cool.
    Ingredients of topping :
    • 2 kg. (to make 5 cups coconut cream) shredded coconut meat (2 cans)
    • 2 eggs
    • 1 cup palm sugar
    • 1 tbsp. salt
    • Mix coconut cream, sugar, eggs and salt together.
    • Pour into the mixture.
    • Bring to boil until the agar-agar dissolves.
    • Add sugar and pandanus leaves.
    • Boil for a while.
    • Stir well and strain through muslin.
    • Poor into the molds.
    • Leave it cool.
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    Khanom Chaw-Moung

    Khanom Chaw-moung  or Steamed dark indigo flower flour with filling is another Thai dessert.  It not easy to find in present  or not easy for me to make it myself also :P .   If you really want to taste I suggest try to do by yourself  better then out to find from somewhere else.   It more difficult to find from another shop in present.    This dessert will consist of 2 parts dark indigo flower is part of the flour dessert And the mincemeat. First, we continue to hand a nucleus.

    • 1/2 cup small diced of pumpkin
    • 1/2 cup shredded dried stirred peanut
    • 1/4 cup tapped dried stirred white sesame
    • 1/2 tsp salt
    • 1/2 cup sugar
    • 2 tsp small diced boiled fat of pork
    • Heat a pan and pour the all of the ingredients filling into a hot pan.
    • Then stir the filling until well mixed.
    • Lift the pan from heat.
    • Add sugar and stir the hot filling until fine.
    INGREDIENT:  Dark indigo flour
    • 1/2 cup cassava flour
    • 2 cups rice flour
    • 1/2 tbs arrow root flour
    • 3 cups white jasmine flower water
    • 1/2 cup thick vine bearing dark indigo water
    • 2 tsp lime juice
    • 1/2 cup coconut cream
    • 2 tsp vegetable oil
    • Mix 3 kinds of flour together
    • Pour white jasmine flower water little by little knead the flour for 5 minutes. 
    • Then pour the whole white jasmine flower water.
    • Soak vine bearing dark indigo flower in hot water and strain.  
    • Squeeze limes to change into bright color.  
    • Add color into flour and stir until mixed.  
    • Strain the mixture pour into a brass pan.
    • Stir the mixture at the low heat until the cooked flour comes off easiky.  
    • Then take the pan out from heat.  
    • Knead and make the cooked flour into small ball shape.
    • Make small balls into bulge shape at the bottom (Do not make it to thin)  Put the filling down.  
    • Cover and make into flower by using tweezers.  
    • Steam the flower in a double boiler for 4-5 minutes.  
    • Then sprinkle the cooked flower flour with viscid
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    Santa Fe Huevos on Polenta aka Eggs Ranchero

    Farmers market tomatoes

    Santa Fe Huevos on Polenta Recipe aka Eggs Ranchero

    Huevos rancheros- a traditional Tex-Mex recipe featuring fried eggs, refried beans and salsa on top of warm corn tortillas- is a delicious brunch recipe, no doubt. But I decided to change up tradition. Just because.

    Using a roll of pre-made polenta makes this a perfect weeknight supper or a quick and easy Sunday brunch. For the more ambitious cooks out there, stirring polenta from scratch isn't hard, it just requires a little patience. Kinda like motherhood. And meditation. And selling a house. For how to make make polenta from scratch see below.

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    Khanom Thuay (Sticky rice cake)

    Sticky rice cake or Thai called "Khanom Thuay" There's nothing quite like the taste and texture of glutinous rice cakes - wonderfully sticky, chewy, and oozing with a mildly sweet flavor. This recipe extremely delicious a fun and easy dessert to make - your kids will want to help too.

    • 2 cups of rice flour
    • 1 cup of sugar
    • 2 cans of coconut milk (16 oz each)
    • 1 teaspoon of salt
    • Save two tablespoons of the flour and mix the rest with water, 1/2 can of coconut milk, and some water to make medium-blended mixture.
    • Also mix the rest of the coconut milk (1 1/2 cans) with salt and the two table spoons of rice flour. Pour the first mixture in small cups (about 1 inch diameter). Make sure to leave about 1/4 of the cup for the topping.
    • Steam the cupped mixture for about ten minutes before adding the topping mixture.
    • Continue steaming the cups for another 10 minutes.
    • Take the steamer our of the heat and let it cool down to room temperature.
    • When serving, use a small and thin spatula to take out the dessert. From the side, there are two layers of the cup-shaped dessert. The "body" should have a dull white color while its topping should be whiter. The "body" tastes sweet as constrasted with the topping , which is salty.
    • ENJOY!

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    Mun Chuem (Sweet Potatoes and Coconut Cream)

    This sweet potatoes or Mun-Ted in Thai with coconut cream Thai call "Mun Chuem" This recipe can be made very easy. You can keep in the freeze for a few week.

    • 1 kg. Sweet potato
    • 3 cups sugar
    • 3 cups white wash/lime water
    • 3 cups water
    • 1 cup coconut milk
    • 1 tsp. salt
    • Clean the sweet potato very well.
    • Peel the skin off and cut into pieces. Make the piece big.
    • Soak them in lime water for 30 minutes.
    • After that, clean with water again.
    • Add 3 cups of water into a pot. Boil it on medium heat.
    • When it’s quite hot, add sugar and stir until the sugar is dissolved.
    • Wait until the syrup is boiling, then add sweet potato. Use low fire.
    • Don’t stir the potato so often. Just flip it over when the other side is done.
    • Notice the potato pieces. If the color is clear then it’s ready. Remove from the stove.
    • In a different pot, boil coconut milk with salt.
    • When it’s boiling, then remove from the fire.
    • Spoon coconut milk on top of sweet potato when it’s cool off.
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    Khai Waan (Poached Eggs in Ginger Syrup)

    Poached Eggs in Ginger Syrup or Thai call "Khai Waan" It is my lazy day dessert. Why lazy dessert because very simple and easy to cook. You just have an eggs in your freeze and some sugar you can cook even you don't have any ginger also.

    • 5 eggs (small size)
    • 5 young ginger slices
    • 1 cup sugar
    • 3 cups water
    • Combine sugar and water together bring to a boil over medium heat When all the sugar has dissolved, strain and pour back into the pot.
    • Heat the syrup again, add ginger slices and boil until fragrant, then reduce the heat.
    • Break the eggs, one at a time, and gently drop them into the ginger syrup.
    • Boil until the egg white is done, turn the eggs over, and continue boiling for a few minutes.
    • Spoon a poached egg into a serving bowl with some ginger slice and syrup.
    • Serve hot.
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    Big Banana Muffins (Gluten-Free)

    Gluten free banana muffins
    Gluten-free banana muffins. Oh yeah.

    Sometimes you crave banana bread but not the slice.

    You have a hankering for the whole, not the part. A thing intact. Weighty and complete and an entity all on its own. All yours. Maybe it's the simplicity you want. The curve and weight of it snug in your hand. Hefty but compact. Portable.

    You want a muffin.

    Maybe even a big muffin. A jumbo muffin tender and sweet and fragrant. Worthy of sinking your teeth into. Worthy of the calories. That kind of muffin. The trouble is, most standard gluten-free muffins turn out so small they resemble snack time for tiny people. I'm not exactly sure why, but I've noticed the shrinkage factor with gluten-free baking in general. You use the same amount of flour as an old school wheat flour recipe, but when all is said and done, when the muffins are baked and cool and ready to wrap- or better yet, nosh- you hold one up to the morning light to inspect it and think, What the Hades happened? Did it shrink- or is it me? Am I imagining this minor disappointment?

    Am I getting neurotic about muffin size now?

    I don't have the answer for you. I'm a cook not a scientist. But I suspect it is the lack of gluten that makes the difference between yummy-plump and expansive and, well, shrunken and kinda sad. Gluten is a giving protein that lends breads and muffins that lovely je ne sais quoi (French for, I don't know what). That It Factor, that elastic, rising... generosity (even if it is evil for celiacs).

    My point? I began to wonder if twelve Lillipution muffins were worth the effort. If I might be better satisfied by going for six. The jumbo set. Less servings, true. But.

    Maybe baking these babies larger would produce a more muffiny muffin. You decide.

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    Gluten-Free Multi-Grain Sandwich Bread

    A combination of gluten-free grains makes this my favorite
    new gluten-free bread recipe. Hands down.

    As promised I've been experimenting again with my favorite gluten-free bread recipe. This latest incarnation is my husband's new favorite. Why? It features cornmeal. I learned a long time ago that cornmeal (and polenta) warmed the cockles of his heart. So I bake with it every chance I get. This bread was tender and soft enough for sandwiches. Delicious flavor. The cornmeal gives it a mild and almost grainy texture without overpowering it. It's not heavy. And it toasts up like a crunchy golden dream.

    This part- the crunchy toast part- is why I perseverate in gluten-free baking. Because no matter how old I get (and I hate to tell you, I've got a milestone number waiting for me in June that is scaring the juniper pollen infested daylights outa me!) I crave the simplest of foods.

    Like toast.

    It's my go-to all time favorite form of culinary bliss. I kid you not. My tastes are childhood simple. That fancy-schmancy stuff folks swoon over captures my attention for maybe a minute. Haute food is pretty and all, but. I've read Kitchen Confidential. I know what they're up to in there, behind those greasy swinging doors. I know not to order fish on a Monday. And I know that even at the famous Rainbow Room food gets dropped on the floor. And re-plated.

    Not to mention, they puts gobs of butter and salt and sugar in everything. Everything. Like, crazy. And they par-cook and make stuff ahead of time- hours ahead of time- so that when you show up hungry on an early- not too busy- Sunday evening, with a simple request such as, May I have (fill-in-the-blank) prepared without butter or dairy? the waiter grimaces and spins off toward the kitchen with a wiggle of disapproval only to return and tell you, The Chef will make you a special plate. And you exhale with relief.

    You think, Margarita time.

    When the dinners arrive, your husband is greeted with a heaping platter of grilled shrimp and garlic on greens and savory dirty rice and your son is presented with the mouthwatering carnitas and warm tortillas and calabasitas. And you. You are given a gleaming white dinner plate with enough dry broccoli and cauliflower tops to choke a horse. A big steaming horse. Except that a horse wouldn't be interested enough to risk the whole choking thing.

    Horses are pretty smart.

    I think I audibly gasped in horror (you don't want to know, Darling what that much Brassicaceae would do to a girl like me). The server kept his eyes down and skulked away. The waiter ignored us the rest of the night. I suspect he knew enough to know that charging $23.95 for a plate of broccoli and cauliflower tops was a tad passive aggressive on the Chef's part. Maybe he thought I was a rich and trendy [insert fad diet of the week] kind of girl. It was Santa Monica, after all. And the saddest part of this story is the punch line. Where this took place. The Border Grill.

    Yeah. Those Two Hot Tamales girls. Who are wonderful cooks. And whose gracious Chef Ishmael served up a lovely, safe dinner for me the last time we were visiting Hell-A. He must have been off that night. Watching No Reservations. Or maybe he moved on to another gig. (Hey, Chef Ishmael- where are you Bubbe? It's not the same without you.)

    Good thing I have toast. It often saves my life. In body and in spirit.

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    Happy Spring! A Vernal Equinox View

    Vernal Equinox View from our casita in New Mexico

    I just took this photograph as the sun was setting over the western mesas. A Vernal Equinox sunset. Happy Spring everyone!

    And here are my Favorite Spring Recipes for living gluten-free- to celebrate new beginnings.
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    How to Live Gluten-Free on a Budget: 10 Tips + 2 Recipes

    Potatoes are gluten free
    Farmers' market potatoes. Gluten-free and budget friendly.

    How to live gluten-free on a budget? It's a legitimate concern. I feel your pain. $7.95 for a gluten-free baking mix? Ouch.

    There's a lot of chit chat lately about food budgets, food prices, and stretching a dollar. Budget talk is in the air. Eating in and cooking from scratch is a trend now. And for those of us living gluten-free, a trend unlikely to burn out soon.

    So if- like me- you are struggling to balance your cranky budget, here are ten tips and tricks to stretch the green and keep it tasty.

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    Gluten-Free Vegan Potato Leek Soup

    Gluten-free dairy-free vegan potato soup
    Creamy potato soup- no dairy needed.

    Twenty-nine hours. That's how long I've been awake. I could blame the full moon, big as a gleaming white soup plate hanging in the clear desert sky last night. Or the pollen. The hostile spiky spewing of hundreds of junipers rooted round our plucky little casita. Every time I drifted toward the promise of sleep I would sneeze straight up and fumble in the dark for a Kleenex, my throat as raw as Tom Waits' vocal chords after belting forth, Make It Rain. We're talking ragged.

    It ain't pretty.

    So excuse me if I keep today's ramblings short and sweet. I'm hovering outside my body- nineteen inches to the left of myself. Any moment now, I might spin off with the tumbleweeds and roll down the dirt road to the highway. I might not even mind, if I end up tumbling west, rolling into the City of Angels in my sleep, snoring down Sunset Boulevard all the way to Ocean Avenue and south to Venice Beach where I live a parallel life in an alternate universe surfing at dawn. And if you see me, give me a sign. Any sign will do. As long as you dream walk the same blue wavelength.

    But before I spin toward the rutted crooked highway I'll leave you with a perfect soup for spring. Stir it up when the March winds blow, and soothe your winter weary bones.

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    Thong Yod (Golden Tear Drop)

    Thong Yod means "Golden Tear Drop" and it's difficult to make because it's hard to get a perfect teardrop shape, and this is always served in a traditional Thai wedding. Known in Thailand for hundreds of years, and the history of Thong Yod dates back to when Dutch explorers who arrived in ancient Siam and taught local people how to make dessert from egg yolk. When visiting Thailand be sure to try Thong Yod, it's popular among all levels of society and served throughout the country. This dish symbolizes sweetness in love between bride and groom, and the gold color symbolizes good fortune in married life.


    • 15 egg yolks

    • 10 tbsp. Thong Yod flour (wheat and rice flour mixture)
    Ingredients of Syrup:
    • 10 measuring cups castor sugar
    • 6 measuring cups fresh water
    Ingredients of Light Syrup:
    • 1 measuring cups castor sugar
    • 1 measuring cups fresh water

    • Separate the yolks from white eggs.
    • Strain though muslin. Squeeze.
    • Blend until thick and fluffy for 15 minutes.
    • Ladle the mixture in the cup. Add 4 tbsp. of flour.
    • Mix well.
    • Drop the mixture in boiling syrup.
    • Increase heat.
    How to drop the mixture:

    • The drop shape is formed by dropping the thick mixture from the tip of a finger into hot bubbling heavy syrup.
    • The drops are then removed into still, cooled lighter syr up after cooking.
    Good characteristics:
    • Glossy and delicacy surface.
    • Both outer and inner of Thong Yod should be soft.
    • Not stench.
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    Have a sweet safe trip..

    These muffins were made during moments of emptiness and feeling of loneliness and although I am not a muffin type of person, these were delicious and irresistible and they did make me feel a bit better.......why sad? well, nothing bad happened, it's just that my husband is away for 2 to 3 weeks and I'm feeling a little down. So, I made him these muffins in case the flight meal comes out "horrible". Not that muffins will replace a real meal but I wish he'll find comfort (like I did) when he eats them. A little taste of home while he is away!

    Almond Crunch Muffins

    We used to get almond muffins from a Farmer's Market and I always liked them. I was hoping one day I could discover their secret recipe and I think I did!
    The result has the perfect balance of everything: sweetness, softness and flavors. Although the almond part is only on the topping, these muffins taste almondy enough with the tiny bit of extract that I added. Next time I'll try to put ground almonds in the batter and if it works fine I'll add the appropriate changes to the recipe. Meanwhile, I hope you'll try these deliciously easy never know they may bring some comfort in those moments!

    Almond Crunch Muffins
    Almond Crunch Muffins (for 11 muffins)

    150 g unsalted butter, melted and cooled.
    2 large eggs.

    100 g brown sugar (I used dark one).

    30 g granulated sugar.

    80 ml whole milk.

    80 ml buttermilk.
    50 g cake flour.

    200 g all purpose flour.

    75g  ground almonds.

    1/2 tsp baking powder
    1/4 tsp baking soda.

    1/2 tsp vanilla extract.
    1/4 tsp almond extract.

    1/8 tsp salt.

    Almond Topping

    35g  cup sliced almonds ( I use sliced for their fine texture)
    2 Tbsp brown sugar
    1 Tbsp flour
    1 1/2 Tbsp butter

    1/8 tsp cinnamon
     pinch of salt


    1- Preheat your oven to 375 f. Line a muffin tin with muffin cups. Set aside.

    2- Make the topping: in a food processor, mix all the ingredients and pulse until crumbly. You should still see small pieces of almonds, do not grind the mixture too finely.

    3- Sift the flours, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Add the ground almonds and set aside.

    4- Beat the eggs and the sugars until fluffy. Add the milk, buttermilk and melted butter. Beat until well combined. Add the vanilla and the almond extract.

    5- Gently fold the wet ingredients into the dry ones. Do not over mix.

    6- Using an ice cream scoop, divide the batter between the muffin cups. Spread about a tablespoon of topping on each muffin and bake for 20 to 25 minute or until golden brown.

    As mentioned before, I said I'll try to add almonds to the recipe. It worked wonderfully and added more almond flavor. So I made the appropriate changes to the recipe
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    Irish Cottage Pie | Shepherd's Pie

    Gluten free cottage pie and shepherds pie recipe with mashed potato topping
    Gluten-free shepherd's pie, Irish style cottage comfort.

    Old School Comfort

    I have been craving comfort food and shepherd's pie- even though it's been a warm and breezy week here by the Chama River north of Santa Fe. The promise of Spring is tugging at our sluggish winter bodies, cracking and stiff and a tad thicker than one would care to admit. We are itchy to walk- just as the junipers are shedding pollen in curtains of dirty yellow. We walked and sneezed and rubbed gritty eyes.

    For this we waited all winter? I complained.

    It strikes us as ironic if not downright diabolical. Mother Nature is taunting us. The coyotes are laughing on the rim of the mesa. I listen and note they are closer than usual, emboldened by our wintery hibernation. The land belongs to them now. We're simply tourists.

    This doesn't bother me. I'm just here in passing, on my way home. Taking the long way- dreaming of the west coast and waves of glassy blue-green curling in to shore. I'm an ocean girl, a beachcomber. A flip-flop wearer. Not a cowgirl. I've never ridden a horse in my life. Or handled a rifle (two skills highly valued in this part of the world). The desert does not feed me. She takes from me. Sucking every last drop. If I stay here much longer I fear you will find me as brittle and sun-bleached as one of Georgia O'Keeffe's bone paintings.

    I'm not quite ready to give up on the juicy part of my life.

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    Here I am, after a whole month of absence! I didn't realize that I did not post anything since the last daring bakers challenge. These days, I don't even realize how time goes by. I never thought once the kids start school I'll have more work, that my life will get more stressed out and that the dream of having more rest and free time........ was indeed a true dream!
    I don't know why I always do the same mistake by leaving the challenge to the last minute "sure I have more time, why hurry!" then life just makes it harder on that "particular" day. I also don't even think about how am I going to improvise and play with the recipe. I do it all on the same day and that's a lot of thinking and working!

    Flourless Chocolate Cake w/ Vanilla Ice Cream

    This month's challenge was obvious. It is February, and what is February without that sweet thing called "chocolate". The February 2009 challenge is hosted by Wendy of WMPE's blog and Dharm of Dad ~ Baker & Chef. They have chosen a Chocolate Valentino cake by Chef Wan; a Vanilla Ice Cream recipe from Dharm and a Vanilla Ice Cream recipe from Wendy as the challenge.

    Flourless Chocolate Cake

    The cake is flourless, very rich, dense and chocolaty, really chocolaty! If you like that type of cakes then you definitely will love this one. The addition of berries balances the richness of the cake. I personally love to serve berries with this kind of cakes (chocolate and raspberries/strawberries is one of my favorite combo), or may be it's just an excuse to add these tiny little red fruits everywhere!

    Flourless Chocolate Cake

    Chocolate Valentino

    454 g (16oz) semisweet chocolate, roughly chopped.
    1 stick plus 2 tablespoons unsalted butter.
    5 large eggs separated.


    1.Preheat your oven to 375f. Put chocolate and butter in a heatproof bowl and set over a pan of simmering water (the bottom of the bowl should not touch the water) and melt, stirring often.

    2. While your chocolate butter mixture is cooling. Butter a 9 in pan and line it with a parchment circle then butter the parchment.

    3. Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites and put into two medium/large bowls.

    4. Whip the egg whites in a medium/large grease free bowl until stiff peaks are formed (do not over-whip or the cake will be dry).

    5. With the same beater beat the egg yolks together.

    6. Add the egg yolks to the cooled chocolate.

    7. Fold in 1/3 of the egg whites into the chocolate mixture and follow with remaining 2/3rds. Fold until no white remains without deflating the batter.

    8. Pour batter into prepared pan, the batter should fill the pan 3/4 of the way full.Bake for 25 to 30 min or until a toothpick inserted in the middle of the cake comes out slightly wet.

    9. Cool cake on a rack for 10 minutes then unmold.

    Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

    300 ml heavy cream.
    300 ml low fat milk (I used 2%).
    1 vanilla pod.
    4 large egg yolks.
    75 g granulated sugar.


    1. Using a small knife slit the vanilla pod lengthwise. Scrape the seeds out of the pod. Pour the milk into a heavy based saucepan, add the vanilla seeds and the pod and bring to the boil. Remove from heat and leave for 15 minutes to allow the flavours to infuse

    2. Whisk the egg yolks and sugar in a bowl until the mixture is thick and foamy. Gradually pour in the hot milk, whisking constantly. Return the mixture to the pan and cook over a gentle hear, stirring all the time

    4. When the custard thickens and is smooth, pour it back into the bowl. Cool it then chill.

    5. By Hand: Whip the cream until it has thickened but still falls from a spoon. Fold it into the custard and pour into a plastic tub or similar freeze-proof container. Freeze for 6 hours or until firm enough to scoop, beating it twice (during the freezing process – to get smoother ice cream or else the ice cream will be icy and coarse)
    By Using and Ice Cream Maker: Stir the cream into the custard and churn the mixture until thick (follow instructions on your ice cream maker)

    For this particular presentation

    After the cake cooled, I used a square cookie cutter and cut out pieces. I then tempered some chocolate and used a plastic template to make the impressions. I surrounded the cake with the chocolate squares, added some berries and topped everything with a scoop of ice cream.


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    Roasted Brussels Sprouts Medley with Refried Butter Beans & Rice

    Roasted Brussells sprouts plate with brown rice and butter beans is a healthy vegan gluten free meal
    Roasting Brussells sprouts brings out their inherent sweetness.

    Happy March! We made it through. The days are stretching inch by inch, noticeably longer. And just in the nick of time for this winter weary gluten-free goddess and her serotonin deprived little brain. Let's do a collective happy dance, Steve Martin style. We're sneaking up on a big turning point in the year. You know the one- when daylight equals darkness. The Spring Equinox will be here before you know it (March 20, 2009, to be exact). And then? You know what then. Luxurious long days, evening walks warmed by the sun. Sprouting going on everywhere you look. Buds bursting. A brand new season. Fresh. Life.

    After the winter we've had- with all the Wall Street inspired doom and gloom infused with a shaken-not-stirred cocktail of fear and hope? I choose hope. This shouldn't surprise you. It's in my nature. New paradigms and inventive beginnings? Bring it on.

    I love learning a new skill set.

    So in the spirit of celebrating the whole sprouting and greening thing that is waiting for us right around the corner (if the wheel of the year could sport a corner, that is), the impending balance of the coming Vernal Equinox, I offer you a budget-friendly vegan meal that is fresh and earthy, green and nutty, savory and sweet. You know, that whole yin yang Real Food Daily approach to eating (how cool is Anne Gentry?). Food to feed you, body and soul, as the March winds blow and scatter the remnants of winter into memory.

    I know some of you don't believe me when I tell you Brussels sprouts can be tender and sweet. You think these tiny cabbages are mushy and smelly and not worth consideration. To those of you in that particular camp, I must ask. Have you ever roasted Brussels sprouts? Because here's the thing. When you roast these little green babies they get all caramelized and nutty and they take on a whole new demeanor. And the best part? Roasting vegetables makes for an easy dinner. It's almost a night off from cooking. Well. Okay, maybe not a night off, but.

    Pretty darn simple.

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