

Gluten-Free Coffee Biscuits Recipe

Coffee laced cookies with chocolate chips

This is a cookie recipe for a grown up. Call them adult cookies. Or better yet, go a little UK and name them biscuits. It sounds a whisker more civilized when you declare to your co-workers, Excuse me while I fetch myself a coffee and a biscuit, Darling. Back in two shakes!

Much less Kindergarten, with all that grab your blankie from your cubbie business and the ritual involving tiny milk cartons and poking bendy straws through paper wrappers and the inevitable bad boy, Sully, who would blow on the straw and shoot the wrapper missile right at your ear (so annoying) and those graham crackers that never quite snap apart evenly and get stuck in your teeth (beyond annoying). Quiet time. With cookies.

A prelude to adult tea time, I suppose. But don't mention snuggies. I don't even know what a snuggie is, nor do I want to know why I would want to bring one to work with me and why they're making a day of it. It seems so. Let's see. The image of graham crackers and milk and that nasty snotty Sully shooting paper straw wrappers at my head comes to mind.


The word itself conjures that official classroom smell. Crayons and white paste and chalk. I'm snagged in the late trailing end of the Boomer Generation, can you tell? We had nap time on the floor with blankets and milk. I'm sure my sons have a their own '80's variation on this "time out" theme. (I'll have to ask them.)

What did you have for your Quite Time ritual?

Milk and cookies? Or Juice boxes and Cheetos? And why are cookies called cookies here in the States and biscuits in the UK? I ask you. Inquiring minds are scrambling to uncover these mysteries.

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Kanom Tian (Stuffed Dough Pyramid)

Kanom Tian or Stuffed Dough Pyramid Dessert is is home-made with coconut, rice-flour and sugar, a drop of rice-wine is an optional refinement I successfully experimented with. It's a communal activity before one of the many festivities in the local temple.

  • 1 kg. sticky rice flour
  • 3 cups water
  • 8oo gram palm sugar
  • 1/3 cup minced pork
  • ½ cup mung bean
  • 2 tbsp. minced coriander roots
  • 1 tbsp. pepper
  • 1 and ¼ cup sugar
  • ¼ cup minced onion
  • 1 and ½ tbsp. salt
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 1 cup vegetable oil to spread on banana leaves
  1. Soak mung bean in the water for 30 minutes.
  2. Place a white cloth filter in the steam pot. Steam the mung bean for 20 minutes.
  3. Ground the bean finely. 
  4. Ground coriander roots and pepper altogether.
  5. Add vegetable oil in the pan and stir-fry the mixed in number 4 until it smells aromatic.
  6. Next, add pork and cook for 10 minutes. 
  7. Then, add grounded mung bean, sugar, salt, and onion. Mix well. 
  8. Mold it to 1 inch ball.
  9. In a pot dissolve the palm sugar with low heat on the stove. 
  10. After that, leave it cool off and then add sticky rice flour. Knead it until it's all mixed very well.
  11. Leave the dough for 30 minutes. Then, mold it into 1 inch flat round shape, put stuff in the middle and mold it to a round ball.
  12. Cut banana leave in 5x7 inches. Spread vegetable oil all over the leaves. 
  13. Fold banana leave into a cone.
  14. Place the ball in side and wrap it. Steam for 45 minutes and remove from the stove.
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Khanom Krok (Coconut-Rice Pancakes)

Coconut-Rice Pancakes or Khanom Krok is possibly the favorite street food of Thailand. Delectable, delicious coconut hotcakes, they are mainly a street food, found by searching for vendors with little circles of coconut mixture cooking in distinct circular cast-iron pans.


  • 3 14 ounce cans coconut milk, or 1 ¾ cups coconut cream with 3 ½ cups lighter coconut milk
  • ¼ cup plus 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 2 ½ tablespoon tapioca or arrowroot flour
  • 3 tablespoon uncooked white rice
  • 1/3 cup finely shredded fresh coconut, or ¼ cup dried, unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 2 cups rice flour
  • 2 teaspoon sea salt
  • 2 to 3 tablespoon peanut or corn oil
Optional filling ingredients:
  • ¼ cup green onions, cut in thin rounds
  • ¼ cup fresh corn kernels
  • 2 tablespoon cilantro leaves
  • If using canned coconut milk, spoon into a small saucepan 1 ¾ cup of the creamiest part from the top of three cans of coconut milk.
  • Heat just enough to melt and smooth out the lumps.
  • Add sugar and stir to dissolve.
  • Allow to cool before mixing in 2 ½ tablespoon of tapioca or arrowroot flour.
  • Stir until smooth. Set aside.
  • Combine the remaining coconut milk from the cans and stir until smooth, heating if necessary to melt the coagulated parts. Allow to cool.
  • Grind the uncooked white rice in a food mill or clean coffee grinder as finely as possible.
  • Do the same with the shredded coconut.
  • Combine the two with the rice flour, salt and coconut milk.
  • Stir and mix until well blended and smooth.
  • Heat a well-seasoned kanom krok griddle (or substitute with an Ebelskiver pancake griddle) on the stove, in a hot oven or over a small round barbecue kettle with medium-hot charcoals.
  • When the griddle is hot, brush the surface indentations with peanut or corn oil.
  • Wait a few seconds before spooning the salty rice mixture into each indentation to about two-thirds full.
  • The batter should sizzle when it hits the hot metal. (If you have a teakettle with a spout, you may find it helpful as a container from which to pour the rice batter onto the griddle.)
  • Before the batter sets, add a dab of the sweet coconut cream mixture over the top to fill and sprinkle the center of each cake with a little bit of one of the toppings, or leave plain.
  • Cover with a round lid and allow to cook for a few minutes, or until the pancakes are firm and crispy brown on the bottom.
  • Remove gently with a rounded spoon.
  • Re-grease the griddle before making the next batch. Because rice flour tends to settle, stir the coconut mixture well before pouring onto the griddle.
  • Serve hot.
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    Khanom Gluay (Banana Pudding)

    Steamed banana pudding with coconut or “Khanom Gluay” Thai called. So many dishes in Thailand, this dessert is less sweet than western desserts or another Thai dessert. It quite a healthy dessert to eat!

    • 10 Fresh bananas
    • 1 cup Freshly grated fresh coconut meat
    • 3 cups Pre-sifted rice flour
    • 2 cups sugar
    • 1 tbsp Salt
    • 1 cup Cream of coconut milk
    • Freshly grated long strands of coconut meat
    • 1 tsp salt
    • Mix together all the ingredients except the bananas.
    • Once everything is in a mixing bowl and well mixed, puree the bananas and immediately pour it into the mixture.
    • Pour this mixture into an either round or square baking pan and steam this pudding in a steamer for about 20 minutes or until the flour in the pudding is cooked and the pudding sets.
    • Take the pudding out of the steamer and allow to cool before cutting and serve garnished with a little of the freshly grated coconut meat and salted coconut cream.
    • Coconut meat can be bought from your grocery store by buying a whole fresh coconut.
    • Crack the coconut open with a hammer and the juice will run out.
    • The white meaty flesh of the coconut that is attached to the inside shell is the meat that you will use to grate.
    • Coconut cream is derived from canned coconut milk by allowing the can to sit up in a cold place.
    • Open the can from the top and the solidified mass on top of the can is the cream.
    • Spoon only this top part and warm it in a sauce pan; if the liquid is too thick add a little of the milk from the rest of the can.
    • Salted coconut cream is only the melted cream from the top of a coconut can which has been salted.
    • If this cream is too thick, thin it out with a little coconut milk.
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    Khanom Ba-Bin (Coconut Cake)

    This Coconut Cake Thai called "KHANOM BA - BIN" This easy, low-fat cake recipe has the texture of angel food with the flavor of coconut. Light and moist, this coconut cake is delicious on its own. This coconut cake is great to serve simply as an everyday treat. It's the easy breazy days of summer - any time of year!


    • 4 cups Grated coconut meat
    • 2 cups Palm sugar
    • ¼ cup Pre-sifted glutinous rice flour
    • ¼ cup Rice flour
    • 1 ½ cups Coconut cream
    • 2 tbsp. Vegetable oil
    • Melt the palm sugar in a pot containing the creamy coconut milk.
    • Boil this mixture until the sugar is melted, take off the stove and allow to cool.
    • Once the liquid is cool, add the grated coconut meat and both kinds of flour. Mix well.
    • Oil the inside of a baking pan with vegetable oil.
    • Then pour the coconut mixture into this pan and spread evenly.
    • Bake in an oven 350 F or 180 C for 30 minutes until the cake is cooked and browned on top.
    • Take cake out of the oven and let cool.
    • Once cool, cut into squares and serve.

    If you have trouble finding fresh coconut meat, desiccated coconut can be substituted. It is available in all grocery stores in the baking section. This dessert is very popular with young children.

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    Khao Niaow Tat

    Sweet Sticky Rice with Coconut Cream and Black Beans or "Khao Niaow Tat" Thai called.
    A popular and really simple Thai sweets made from sticky rice topping with creamy coconut cream and black beans.

    • 3 oz Dried black beans, (soaked in water overnight, then boiled until tender and drained.)
    • 2 cups Sticky rice
    • 1 cups Coconut milk
    • 1 pinch Salt
    • 1/3 cup Sugar

    • ½ cup Sugar
    • ½ tsp Salt
    • 1 cup Coconut milk
    • 1 tbsp Tapioca starch

    • In two separate bowls, soak the black beans and the sticky rice overnight.
      Boil the beans until done, drain and reserve for topping.
    • Using a baking pan large enough to fit all the sticky rice, drain the rice and pour it into a baking pan.
    • In a bowl, mix together 1 cup of coconut milk, sugar and salt, making sure that all the sugar is dissolved.
    • Pour this mixture into the pan containing the sticky rice.
    • Set the pan in a steamer and steam for 30 minutes until the rice absorbs all the coconut milk and increases in volume.
    • Combine the ingredients for the cream topping in a bowl and pour this sauce over the top of the cooked rice in the pan and return the pan to the steamer and continue to steam for 5 to 8 minutes or until the topping sets like custard.
    • Take the pan out of the steamer and sprinkle black beans over the top of the custard.
    • Let the cake cool before cutting into squares and serve.

    Sticky rice is available in all Asian grocery stores. It differs from regular jasmin rice because when it is cooked it has a characteristic of sticking together and the grain is shorter and harder than regular rice, hence the overnight soaking.

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    Scalloped Potatoes - Vegan + Dairy-Free

    Dairy free scalloped potatoes vegan style comfort food

    Creamy vegan scalloped potatoes...

    On a whim and out of nowhere (and at 2:54 AM, I'll have you know) I began conjuring images of creamy scalloped potatoes. Odd for someone who must avoid cheese and cream and butter and who- most days- is reconciled to her cheese-free life with a shrugging Lebowski-Zen detachment they write books about. Not to mention, it's been (literally) over a decade since I made this retro recipe, cream or no cream. Alas, I simply couldn't get the idea out of my sleepy Ewan McGregor-esque spiky head.

    The vegan scalloped potato challenge bit me. And refused to let go.

    To make my pre-dawn vision a reality this classic recipe would need some serious tweaking. I mean, it's not just cheese you have to replace (and I'm no fan of plastic vegan cheeses, let me tell you). There is cream. And sweet moo-cow butter. Three key ingredients that make this comfy dish so melt-in-your-mouth delicious. Lucky for me I happened to have some dairy-free cream sauce left over from a vegan pasta I had tossed together the night before. A thick and silky hemp based sauce featuring artichokes and wine.

    Accident? Destiny? Or simply the collective unconscious zeroing in on post-midnight potato cravings when your serotonin is dropping so fast your heart beat skips and triggers a hot flash?

    You decide.

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    Gluay Todd (Fried Bananas)

    Fragrant sweet bananas coated with a coconut milk rice batter and sesame seeds which is deep fried, the perfect dessert to finish any meal. For this fried bananas know as a "Gluay Todd" I like to use Gluay Nam Wah. Gluay Nam Wah are shot and fat style. In Thailand most we using this Gluay Nam Wah for make it Gluay Todd or fried bananas.

    • 1 pound bananas, about 6 or 8. Traditionally small Asian bananas are used but you can use any bananas.
    • 3/4 cup rice flour
    • 1/4 cup tapioca flour
    • 1/2 tsp baking soda
    • 2 tbsp sugar
    • 1 tsp salt
    • 1/2 cup shredded coconut
    • 1 tsp sesame seed
    • 1 cup water
    • 4 cups oil for deep frying


    • Peel and slice each banana lengthwise into four slices. In a mixing bowl, combine rice flour, tapioca flour, sugar, salt, coconut and baking soda, then add water a little at a time.
    • Mix well to form a thick batter.
    • Heat the oil in a deep fryer or wok to 375 degrees F. Dip each piece of banana into the batter to completely coat, and deep fry until golden brown.
    • Remove from oil and drain on paper towels.
    • Serve as a snack.

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    Karina's Gluten-Free Ryeless Rye Bread

    Gluten free rye bread aka ryeless rye is baked with gluten free flours
    My gluten-free ryeless rye bread recipe makes delicious toast.

    Call me crazy but one of the comfort foods I miss most after living gluten-free for years is not some fancy French cookie or triple layer ganache swathed cake. Nope.

    It's rye toast- piping hot and crunchy around the edges slathered with melting peanut butter.

    My favorite tea time snack. There's something about that fragrant rye tang with caraway paired with sweet creamy peanut butter that sends my little endorphins into all's right with the world childlike bliss.

    I'm easy, I know.

    The snag is- ever since my celiac disease epiphany gluten-free rye bread has been playing hard to get. Recipes for ryeless rye bread have proved petulant and elusive. Rice flour or chick pea flour does not taste like rye, I'm sorry to tell you. And now peanut butter has gotten itself into all kinds of trouble with the whole e-coli thing (through no inherent fault of it's own-- the peanut is innocent, I tell you).

    So what's a gluten-free goddess to do? Live without one of life's simple pleasures? (Aren't I already doing that, living sans bagels?!) Dear Zen Universe- honestly now- for the sake of calm detachment and flow must I give up all dreams of deli?

    Not today.

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    Make Your Own Potato Chips

    How to make your own gluten free potato chips
    Make your own potato chips.

    Before I get to how to cook your own potato chips and avoid the game we food allergic individuals refer to as Le Chip Roulette, I'd like to mention dreaming. Because I woke from some very strange dreams this morning. Dreams involving caveman chest hair and glistening inky fish and long distance songs on some radio left behind in an abandoned mining shack perfect for a David Lynch location shoot. Spandau Ballet, in fact- crooning, I know this much is tru-hoo.

    It's day fifteen of the tenacious head cold I picked up in Los Angeles. And it's Friday the thirteenth. But I'm not so easily spooked. Old ghosts got nothing on this morning's weirdness. This is kindergarten stuff. Amateur hour. So I shook it off and brewed some tea.

    I'm blaming high altitude and not enough fresh fruit.

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    Vegan Flourless Chocolate Cake

    Vegan flourless chocolate cake recipe
    A dairy-free vegan flourless chocolate cake- no tofu.

    A deep dark chocolate cake recipe. Just in time for Valentine's Day. And the best part? It's not only gluten-free, but vegan as well. And it's technically a flourless chocolate cake (which for some retro-fueled reason still conjures the term sexy thanks to Sarah Jessica Parker).

    In full disclosure (hey, I vet my recipes okay?) I added a scant amount of buckwheat flour to help it set up without eggs, but buckwheat isn't technically a grain, is it? More of a groat, a fruit kernel. In fact, buckwheat is a cousin to sorrel and rhubarb. I could try to impress you with shout-outs to the Polygonaceae family, dropping botanical distinctions like actinomorphic and calyx as fast as Madonna drops post-Guy Ritchie boyfriends, but I'd rather leave all botany urges behind and get back to chocolate and celebrating the dream of true love.

    All in the nick of time for Valentine's Day.

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    Khanom Met Khanoon (Sweet Jackfruit Seeds)

    The taste is very sweet. Met Khanoon means "seed of jackfruit" which is what it resembles. At a wedding, Met Khanoon symbolizes that whatever bride and groom do in life, they will have the support of others, and never lose sight of their dreams.


    • 2 cups green mungbean, peeled, steamed and finely grinded
    • 250 ml. coconut milk
    • 3 3/4 cups sugar
    • 3 cups jasmin scented water
    • 8 egg yolk

    • Mix coconut milk with green mungbean, 3/4 cups of sugar.
    • Boil on meduim heat, stir until thick.
    • Lower the heat. Stir until thick and able to shape. Turn off the heat. Let it cool.
    • Mold into oval-shaped ball.
    • Mix sugar, left, with jasmin scented water.
    • Medium heat until melten.
    • Filter and heat again, use low heating, in a brass pan.
    • Simmer until thick. Remove from the stove.
    • Put the mungbean balls in the bowl of red egg yolk. Apply throughly.
    • Put all balls in the pan of syrup.
    • Boil on low heat until the egg is cooked.
    • Let it cool.

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    Khanom Foi Thong (Golden rain)

    "Khanom Foi Thong" or golden rain is made of egg yolk It looks like golden threads into hot syrub. This sweet is usually made for wedding ceremonies. Foi Thong is compared to the long lasting love of of brides and grooms.

    • 12 egg yolks, strained
    • 3 cups castor sugar
    • 1 cup water
    • A few fine-pointed paper cones for piping
    • Heat the water in a saucepan.
    • Pour in the sugar and stir until the sugar is dissolved.
    • Bring to the boil and let it boil for 15 minutes.
    • Stir constantly with a wooden spoon.
    • Remove from the heat and strain.
    • Pour the syrup back into the saucepan.
    • Bring to the boil.
    • Pour the egg yolks into a paper cone and pipe the egg-yolks onto the boiling syrup through the fine-pointed hole to form fine even threads.
    • To do this you will have to move your hand clockwise very rapidly over the saucepan of boiling syrup.
    • Remove the threads from the saucepan as soon as they are cooked with a slotted spoon.
    • Add a little water to the boiling syrup from time to time.
    • Arrange the golden rain into individual portions on a serving dish.
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    Khanom Han-Dtrah

    A Confection of bean coated with egg or Thai called "Khanom Han-Dtrah" A dessert flake used in traditional marriage. This indicates that the woman was hit by fiancee. This made from chickpea husk dress. That much of the mold with sugar and a small square piece of press to the middle and then to wrap the sink. This type of candy is another dessert that looks appetizing. Because of the mincemeat and egg to be clothed with yellow gold together neatly.

    • 1 cup ground steamed skinned yellow bean
    • 1 cup sugar
    • 1 cup coconut cream
    • ¼ tsp salt
    • 5 eggs
    • 2 cups white jasmine water
    • 1 tsp begetable oil
    • Mix yellow bean.sugar. coconut crean and salt together in a brass deep-pan.
    • Heat and stir until it is thickK (cooked yellow bean)
    • Make cooked yellow bean into one-square and about half-inch thick and press down in the middle.
    • Separate yolk into one bowl and albumen into another bowl. Pinch thin skin of yourk .
    • Dissolve sugar into white jasmine water and heat until boiling.
    • Then boil at low heat for syrup.
    • Dip cooked yellow bean cubes in yolk.
    • Then put into the boiling syrup for 3-5 minuted and take up into a bowl.
    • Beat 2 eggs only mixed.
    • Add 1 teaspoon vegetable oil.
    • Heat frying pan at low heat.
    • Grease the pan with a little vegetable oil.
    • Spraed yolk into the pan in the form of netting by fingers (Don’t turn the eggs face down, or coating will not be possible) Then bring it out.
    • Place netting yolk with the pan-attached face down.
    • Then cut into square sharp.
    • Put the bean cube in the middles and wrap.
    • Scented with incense or white jasmine.
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      Lod Chong Nam Ka Ti (Pandan Noodles with Coconut Milk)

      This sweet Pandan Noodles with Coconut Milk or "Lod Chong Nam Ka Ti" called in Thai and serve with ice on top. Famous summer recipe.

      • 2 cups of rice flour
      • 1 cup of palm sugar
      • 1/2 cup of concentrated pandanus squeeze
      • 7 cups of red lime water
      • 2 cups of coconut milk
      • 1/2 teaspoon of salt 
      • Knead rice flour with pandanus squeeze and red lime water, add it little by little until it well combine.
      • Filter with white and thin fabric.
      • Add rice flour to brass pan and put it on fire. 
      • Stir it until it sticky but do not let it too dry or waterly.
      • Pour cool water to basin.
      • Pour pandanus squeeze to can which has medium hole around the bottom then press and let ingredient come out from that hole to cool water.
      • Try to change water if you see it become hot.
      • Mix coconut milk with palm sugar and salt and boil it.
      • When serve, mix lod chong with coconut milk and add some little ice on top.
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          Ta-ko Haew (Sweet Water Chestnut with Coconut Custard)

          Sweet, salty, and creamy dessert with water chestnut called "Ta-ko Haew" in Thai. In Thailand we (I) use banana leaf make small bowl for this dessert. But you can use whatever you want like small cups etc.

          • ½ cup rice flour
          • 2 Tbsp tapioca flour
          • 1 ¾ cup water
          • ¼ cup pandanus leaf juice
          • 1 can (8 oz.) water chestnuts
          • 1/3 cup sugar
          • Cut water chestnuts into small dices.
          • Mix rice flour, tapioca flour, and sugar together.
          • Add water and pandanus leaf juice in a pot, stir well until the flour dissolve.
          • Bring the flour mixture to boil on medium heat, stir frequently until the flour mixture is thick.
          • When the mixture is thick, add diced water chestnuts, stir well until the mixture is boiled again, then remove from heat.
          • Spoon the flour mixture into individual small cups for the base.
          • 1 can coconut milk
          • 2 tsp sugar
          • ¼ cup rice flour
          • 1 tsp salt
          Preparation for Topping:
          • Mix coconut milk, sugar, rice flour, and salt together, stir well.
          • Bring coconut mixture to boil on medium-low heat, stir frequently until the mixture is thick, and then remove from heat.
          • Spoon coconut cream mixture and top on each cup of prepared base.
          • When topping is cool, serve immediately.
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            Khao Niaow Sang Khaya (Sticky Rice and Thai Custard)

            Sticky Rice and Thai Custard or Thai called “Khao Niaow Sang Khaya” A classic Thai dessert and HEAVEN! If you like sticky rice, you're going to love this very simple but exotic Thai dessert!

            • 1 and 1/2 cup sticky rice
            • 1 cup coconut milk
            • 3/4 cup sugar
            • 1 tsp. salt
            • 3 eggs
            • 1 cup coconut milk
            • 1 cup sugar
            • 1/8 cup concentrated pandanus juice
            LET’S GO COOKING:
            • Soak sticky rice in the water for 3 hours.
            • After that, drain it and steam on boiling water for 20 minutes.
            • While we’re waiting for the rice to be cooked, prepare coconut milk to mix with it.
            • Add sugar and salt into the coconut milk cook until it’s boiling.
            • Remove when the sugar is dissolved.
            • Pour it over cooked sticky rice.
            • Make sure the rice is still hot when you pour coconut milk.
            • Now, mix it very well and keep it in closed container for 10 minutes.
            • After that, stir it again and leave it close for another 10 minutes.
            • Beat the eggs well.
            • Add concentrated pandanus juice, coconut milk and sugar and mix it well.
            • Steam the mixed eggs for 20 minutes and then we got custard.
            • Place sticky rice on small plate and topping custard on it.
            • Now you have an easy and very delicious Thai dessert to serve.:)

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              Khao Niaow Tu-Rean Nam Ka Ti

              Thai Sticky Rice with durian cramy know as a "Khao Niaow Tu-rean" I guess you know what's durian? How's smell? Do you like it? This recipe less smelling. But very tasty and take care It's fat up++

              • 2 kg sticky rice
              • 5 cups coconut cream
              • 3 cups fine sugar
              • 6 tsp salt
              • Soak sticky rice in water for 5 hours, then steam 40 minutes, put cooked rice into big bowl.
              • Mix coconut cream with sugar and salt, bring to boil, then pour into rice bowl, stir well. Cover for 20 minutes.
              • 3 cups coconut cream
              • 3/4 cup fine sugar
              • 3 tbsp palm sugar
              • 2 cup durian meat
              • 1 tsp salt
              • Mix coconut cream with fine sugar and palm sugar, bring to boil, stir continuous. 
              • Serve with thin white cloth, add durian meat.
              • Serve coconut cream sticky rice with durian coconut cream sauce.
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                Big Easy Chili- and some super recipes

                Big easy chili that is gluten free scrumptious
                Big easy soup with beans and spicy sausage.

                I'm back from our jaunt to Los Angeles- an impromptu trip that was over far too quickly (where does time fly to, by the way? They say time flies but I always want to know, where?). I have a handful of juicy details to report, and I will, in an upcoming post, but today is apparently sort of a big deal.

                There's a game goin' on? And rumor has it, today's a big chili day. So I am reprising a big easy chili recipe and sharing a link to Whole Foods- for healthy and tasty vegan and gluten-free menu ideas and recipes for pot lucks and Super Bowl parties. Me?

                I'll be doing laundry. Lots of laundry.

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